Prologue - How life have always been

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"Ah... Let's see," the young woman in white skims through the Japanese characters written on a clipboard, her sunken brown gaze tiredly scanning along the columns. "Y/N Kujo... The patient that was confined three days ago..." She mumbled to herself, her fingers moving from line to line whilst the mother from the other side of the reception desk stood anxiously.

"Ahh here they are... Room zero three twenty six on the fourth floor." Smiles the nurse through tired eyes. Holly found respect in everyone who worked in the medical field. Those who take care of the sick, nurturing them... Holly have always wanted to be a nurse, but sadly did not get to fulfill her ambition when she settled to be a mother of two. But of course, she would chose her children over the nursing career she always wanted. "They're in a stable condition and hasn't woken up yet... I'm sorry this happened to your child, Madam. I believe that they don't deserve that kind of treatment."

"T-thank you... I'll be heading there now..." Holly nods her head, the blond fringe of her loosely hair hung over her forehead, her deep steel blue eyes glimmered with glossed tears as she trudged towards the pristine corridors of the hospital. The concerned mother furrowed her brows as her guts uncomfortably squirmed within her body, an unpleasant churn to say the least.


"Y/N dear, pass me the whisk please!" Holly grinned at her three year old child as they reached for the aforementioned kitchen equipment from the drawers, before they handed it to their mother with a smile. She kneels to their height with a grin, as she reached to pat their head. "Awww, good job!"


"Do your best at the Impromptu speech contest tomorrow!" Holly encouraged their nine year old child, as the memory of them giving their best on stage flashed within her mind, delivering it with precision and passion.

"I will, mommy!"

"Aww~ look at my baby! All grown up and nominated as Class rep at first year? I knew you could do it!"

"Thank you mother... I did my best."


The only daughter of Joseph Joestar halted in front of a door, "0326" carved by the door. Holly took a deep breathe in, her hand reaching over to clasp the cold door knob as the feeling of dread barely left. Without any second thought, the mother twisted the knob before pulling the door open.

She didn't know what she expected if she was being honest. She expected her eldest child smiling, seated by their bed as they idly stared out of the window, or perhaps with a book in hand... Within her sight, was a miserable sight. Various IV connected to their body, an oxygen mask and other tools she doesn't recognize. Holly pursues her dried lips, as she closes the door behind her before making her way towards the paled body of her eldest child.

Y/N Kujo... They're a very sweet child. Very persevering, respectful, law-abiding, kind and chivalrous.

At a young age they've always been the type to defend others with justice and good intentions. A strict leader but a good kid at heart.

They've always been selected to lead, as they were capable of managing and leading a group. Teaching them about proper cooperation, helping those who struggle, rightfully dictating punishment to those who deserve it. They've always been an outstanding child with a pure heart.

I just don't understand why would anyone want to hurt them like this... Who could ever do such a thing? Why? What grudge do they hold against my Y/N for them to do this to them?"

The steady beat of your heart thumps in your chest, as the evident loud beeping from the heart monitor echoes in the silent hospital room where you and your mother occupied. Your chest followed a rhythmic pattern, rising and falling as Holly Joestar-Kujo looked upon you with concerning desperation and worry. Hooked to various technology, it was then Holly started to realize the severity of your injuries. From the IV dripping on your arm, to the oxygen mask.

The blonde woman has gone without sleep in two days, spending her days worrying about her children. The eldest twin within the hospital, meanwhile the younger twin was in jail.

“Oh Y/N... Jotaro...”

You suffered from multiple blunt blows aimed at your head, splitting it open. Other than that, the multiple cuts and bruises in your body, a telltale sign of self-defense as they physically assaulted you just because of rightfully reporting their borderline— oh scratch that, completely illegal actions to the school councillor.

“It's no secret some of your classmates despise you... They somehow found your law-abiding leader self irritating as you kept a strict grip towards the school environment. And they are bad for hating you. I can't imagine hating an angel such as yourself. If anything, I'd be following your examples and admiring you, not beating you half to death.”

The heavy dark circles under the mother's eye sank, as she tiredly gazed upon your pale visage, her hand resting atop yours, lightly squeezing it. Her crystalized steel blue eyes shed a few drops of tears, dripping on your arm. Realising her situation, Holly vigorously rubbed the tears from under her eyes, stubbornly drying her tears away with her arm.

"Sorry my baby, mommy gets too emotional when you're hurt like this," The forty five years old woman forced a laughed through tears, as she plucks her handkerchief from her breast pocket, lightly dabbing the soft fabric under her eyes. "Mommy's sorry that she's a wreck when she's supposed to be smiling through the pain... Because clearly you're in much pain..."

“I'm sorry for not being the strong woman you needed to look up to... I'm sorry I couldn't protect you...”

The mother sniffs, as she softly ran her knuckles on your cheek before tucking your hair behind your ear, when your eyelid lightly stirred. Holly abruptly pulls away, her eyes waiting for any visible movements that might signify your consciousness. She flinches the moment she heard you softly groaning, your head stirring to the other direction, eye lids twitching and struggling to open.

Holly gasps, as her immediate reaction was to stand up and alert the doctor of your consciousness, but her maternal instincts told her to stay by your side, as her presence is what you needed right now.


With a single utterance of word from all the days you were unconscious, the steel blue eyed beauty sheds the tears she desperately denied all those times.

"Yes, Y/N... Mother's here..." The woman softly smiles, taking your hand and firmly caressing it. You basked into her want maternal comfort, as you weakly gripped back with a quirked lip.

“I may not be the world's most skillful mother, but I offer you all my support, all my love. I will do everything, I will take on the world just to protect my children.”

To be continued→→→

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