X - Watery Depths

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"How deep do you think the water goes?" you wondered out loud, inclining over the ridge to observe the deep sea with eyes squinted, trying to hide you obvious sea sickness. The cherry haired boy merely leans his elbow on the ledge, waiting for your casual facade to collapse. "Do you think we'll see some fishies? Or maybe dolphins? Jotaro loves starfishes, they're cute as a button, but I don't like the ocean."

"Oh? Why is that?" The male asks, leaning his elbow against the metallic ledge, waiting for your response.

"Well... First they're unpredictable. They are more unknown mysteries surrounding the seas. There are a lot of things under us. Perhaps an undiscovered shipwreck, or numerous dead bodies. And what mystery does the ocean posses? It's factual that we knew more about space than the ocean and human mind." Kakyoin shifts his lavender gaze towards you in sudden interest. "For all we know, a storm would brew and strike us dead. Or maybe a Stand attack. I don't know how to swim, I'd surely die... Then my body would be just floating lifelessly in the sea, or maybe sunken down and be one with the unknown depths."

There was a slight giggle in your voice, something Kakyoin finds concerning when you're you voiced your possible death in the waters, enthusiastically leaning your weight into the ledge as you longingly gazed from afar.

"Don't you think, Kakyoin?"

"Uh, of course..." he reluctantly agrees, his gaze widens as he never took you for those who'd joke about such grotesque things.

For a responsible and uptight person such as you, an innocent looking angel who was always seen as polite and docile. Unnerved, Kakyoin merely turns his gaze towards the ocean as well.

You sighed, pushing yourself off the ledge before sitting on one of the sun lounger beside your twin. Kakyoin tried to look for entertainment by gazing within the dark blue waves and following you out of boredom.

"Do you have any books for me to borrow, Y/N?" Kakyoin asked, seating himself on the other side of Jotaro while watching you rummage through your bag.

"Well I didn't packed much but..." You spoke, searching for words to say as you went through your pile of belongings before reaching for the books. "I think you'll enjoy this one. Um, just a book of random facts that I didn't know I packed."

"Ah well, it's better than nothing." the male shrugs, before reaching for the book and leaning his back on the sun lounge.

Once you found your desired book, you licked the pad of your thumb and leaf through the pages to search for the last page you've read.

Once you got a hold of your page, your mind began to ignore the approaching footsteps of your grandfather, who is dressed differently from awhile ago.

"To get from Hong-Kong to Singapore, we'll be on the water for three full days. Well, let's relax and keep our spirits up. But first I have a serious question," You peeked from the pages of your book to see Joseph pointing his gloved finger towards you three teens with a scrutinizing expression. "What the hell is with the high school uniforms, you three? Can't you go find something else to put on? Isn't it ridiculously hot?"

You only sighed, leaning your back on the sun lounger with zero intention of removing your uniform. "It's simply improper for us, grandfather."

"Huh? Why is that?"

"Well we are students after all. And good students should behave as such no matter where they are. I guess that sounds like a stretch." Kakyoin added, flipping through another page of his book.

"Heh, Japanese students are such stiff's, aren't they?" Joseph snides with his hands planted on both sides of his hips, watching the three students resuming to lounge about without a care in the world.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2023 ⏰

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