Chapter 1

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With my shaking hand I put the card to the ATM. I looked behind my shoulder again. Although it was just 6 p.m. it was dark outside. The dark street was enlightened just by street lamps. One of them was out of order. I have always hated dark. That's why I've always hated winter, it was dark too soon. My eyes always work harder in the dark, they can see things that aren't even there.

I turned my head back to the ATM and I fixed the hood on my face. What is the PIN code? I tried to remember elbow movements of an old woman I was watching just twenty minutes ago from the shadow under the broken lamp.

People use to cover the buttons with their hands while entering their PIN codes to the ATM. Many thieves give little cameras at the top of the ATMs and film the numbers people enter. But I had another idea, better one. Simply I was watching her elbow movements. I was training it in front of a mirror at home, just before I have left that hell.

8912 I entered. Wrong PIN. Fuck, I swore in my mind.

Everyone is unique, by their fingerprints, walk style, cornea and even by their elbow movements. And finding out PIN code by watching elbow movements is harder than it sounds. I have watched five people but until the sixth person I couldn't understand the movements. It was an old woman, she looked nice. It wasn't hard to rob her. I followed her to the supermarket where she put her purse in the shopping cart. In the chocolate alley she turned back on the shopping cart, grabbed a box of chocolates and started reading composition. I stood near her cart and pretended looking for a specific kind of chocolate. I put one hand into her purse and found the card. I put it in my pocket, grabbed nut chocolate and turned back.

„Young man?" the woman stopped me and my heart started beating faster.

„Yes?" I hoped my voice was not shaking.

„Can you read this small text for me, please?" she pointed at the small letters and smiled.

„Includes gluten," I read and grabbed my pocket like she could see through the fabric.

„Thank you," she smiled again. „Phoebe is only allergic to nuts. She loves chocolate and she is doing really good at school."

I smiled and rushed to cash desks. I was scared that if she would look at me for some time longer she would remember my face and later understand what has happened. The box of chocolates she was buying was expensive, she is probably rich and won't mind some transfer from her account.

I paid for the chocolate with her card and ate it outside walking to the ATM. It was delicious. I don't even remember eating chocolate, maybe when my grandmother would buy me one as a kid. My parents never did. If they did they wouldn't have enough money for alcohol.

8913. Right PIN. I was relieved. I don't know what I would do if I have blocked the card. I would have to watch another people. And I really didn't want to.

I withdrew 500$ from the ATM. I didn't want to risk overdrawing her daily limit. The card will probably be blocked until tomorrow because the lady will report stolen card but it is enough for beginning. I put the card and money to my pocket and stepped to the right side to disappear from the camera so I could take off the hood. Suddenly someone stepped out from the shadow I was watching people from before. My legs started shaking. I hoped he didn't see me taking off the hood. I looked to his face and I didn't believe my eyes.

„Dylan?" I asked. It was my classmate from high school. I haven't seen him for two years. Dylan didn't have any friends. He grew up in foster care. That was the only thing everyone knew about him. Growing up with alcoholic parents isn't better at all but I was at least hanging out with my classmates. Once Dylan punched our classmate so hard that he passed out for few minutes. I don't actually know why he did it. But since this incident occurred no one would argue with him.

„Hi, Lucas," he said. „It's been a long time."

Then I noticed a mobile phone in his hand. It was leading directly to me.

„What are you doing?" I didn't understand. „Are you filming me? Why?"

„Prove," he grinned. „I know you have stolen it."

„You can't prove it," I responded. I was trying to sound confident but my voice was shaking.

„I can," he laughed. „I have filmed you in the supermarket. Nice woman, you made a good choice."

I didn't know what to say. I was hoping no one would ever find out about this. I could go to jail for two years. I never want to be in jail. But why would he do this to me?

„Have you left home?" He asked and I nodded.

„Don't worry, I won't report you," he said. „But under one condition. I live like you. After leaving foster care I steal to have money for social apartment, food, cigarettes. I need companion. From now on we will steal together. You don't betray me, I don't betray you."

„Dylan, no, please..." I really didn't want to be his companion.

„Don't beg me," he stopped me. „I'll report you."

„Fuck you!" I shouted at him and tried to grab his phone. But I didn't have any chance. Dylan is much taller and stronger than me. I am actually really skinny and short, I have it in my genes.

„Fuck you!" Dylan shouted at me back and punched me. I staggered and almost fell. „Do not make me do it."

„Okay," I said after moment of silent. I looked to the ground so he couldn't see my wet eyes. I didn't want to admit it but I was scared. Really scared. I couldn't say no to him. I had no choice. I was trapped.

„Okay, we can go," Dylan commanded. „I live in that cheap social apartments. They have some empty rooms, you pay 100$ a month. It is not perfect but you won't find anything better."

We set off through the dark street and we went to the end of the city where there is not even any houses. Nobody would want to live near social apartments where alcoholics and poor people live. But I knew I have no other choice. If I came home to my alcoholic parents my dad would beat me up again. Besides, it is better to live in the social apartments than out in the streets. And another reason was Dylan and his video. If he said he would report me, he really would.

When I was leaving home that day I knew my life will change. And when I lied down in my new bed which squeaked under me really loud I knew my life will change even more than I expected. But I didn't know that change would be so big.

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