Chapter 23|| We Don't Always Get What We Want

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Hazel's POV
Today our whole family is going to the park. Cassie is even bringing her husband, Mathew, and JD is bringing his girlfriend, Carter. I finish packing up the lunches just as JD and Carter walk through the door. Carter has bleach blonde hair that flows down her back in perfect curled ringlets. Her eyes are a bright green that seem to mesmerize JD when he looks at her.

"Hello, I am JD's mom. You can call me Hazel. I am guessing you are Carter." I smile at her.

"Hello Hazel and yes I am Carter." She shakes me hand and then Gus introduces himself and they shake hands.

"JD have you talked to Cassie? She should be here." I ask.

"Yeah, she is gonna be a little late. Let's just say her and Matt are busy." JD replies with a smirk.

"JD! Where is she?" I demand.

"Cass is coming." JD says while laughing. I try to give him a disapproving look but I just end up laughing too. Then Logan and Carter walk down the stairs, Logan has black jean shorts on with a plain white t-shirt on top. She also put on a teal belt and teal converse. She let her medium length hair down. She even straightened it. Caroline has her hair in a high bun. She put on dark wash jean shorts along with a plain pink t-shirt. She put on a grey belt and grey vans. Carter comes down with his hair spiked up and black basketball shorts and a blue t-shirt that says, 'That all you got?' with a basketball underneath the letters. He has on matching Kds. Ethan has his hair stirred in its usual mess with a Thomas the Train shirt and shorts.

When we walk outside we are met by Matt and Cassie. Matt has caramel hair and silver/blue eyes. I met Matt at the wedding and other times.

"Hey Cassie. Hey Matt." I greet and hug each of them. "Can you all take Carter and Ethan with you?" I ask.

"Of course." Cassie answers. Carter and E hop in the back seat and Logan and Caroline get in our car. We drive to the park.

At the park, we set up a blanket and sit down. Cassie and Matt stay standing.

"We have news." Matt tells us.

"We are having a baby!" Cassie announces. We all cheer.

"That is so exciting." I cheer. Then JD and Carter stand.

"We are engaged!" They say at the same time. Our whole family is screaming with joy. We are all hugging. Then I notice Caroline is gone. I look around to see her standing at the top of a roof. She starts to jump.

"NOOOOOO" I scream. I take off running towards her. Luckily she is not far away so I reach her and catch her but we both fall and she lands on her arm. I hold her against me but she has passed out. I realize it was probably from being scared. Gus meets me with her.

"CASSIE! JD! WE ARE TAKING CARRIE TO THE HOSPITAL! WATCH THE KIDS!" With that we get in the car and drive to the hospital.

Turns out I was right. She was too scared and fainted. Caroline did break her arm and needs a cast. But that is not the problem. Caroline tried to kill herself. The doctors made us check her into a mental hospital. She definitely needs help. I want the old Caroline back. But We Don't Always Get What We Want.

Sorry for not updating! I have been very busy. I love you! My fab readers. Thanks again for 1k. You guys are fab. Only 7 chapter left. Bye👋

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