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"He did what?" You ask.

"Izaya turned the club into a gambling ring and it doesn't help that Nakura is helping him," Shinra says.

"I should've figured he would do something like this." You say sighing.

"Yeah and I try to keep asking him to stop it, but he's not listening at all," Shinra says.

"Well, that's how he is." You chuckle.

"Well I'm going to head over to the science room, you coming?" Shinra asks.

"No, I have to run an errand for the teacher real quick, but I'll be there as soon as I finish." You say.

"Right, we'll be waiting," Shinra says as he starts walking away.


"Is that Izaya?" You ask.

You were currently on your way to the science room before you spotted Izaya through the window running across the field.

You continued on to the science room. You looked into the science room and saw Shinra on the floor bleeding.

 "Shinra!" You yell before running over to him.

"Oh hey, Y/n, about time you got here," Shinra says.

"What happened?" You asked worryingly.

"I'll tell you later," Shinra says before a teacher comes in and sees what happened.

~~~A few days later at the hosptial~~~

"Mr. Kishitani, you have a visitor." The nurse says.

You walk in and the nurse leaves.

"Are you okay?" You ask.

"Yeah, it wasn't that deep," Shinra says.

"So who did it?" You ask.

"It was Nakura, he came into the club room begging Izaya to give him back his money since he made a bad bet, Izaya refused and Nakura then pulled a knife out and tried to stab him, but before he could I got in the way and ended up stabbed myself," Shinra explains.

"Then how come everyone is saying that Izaya did it?" You ask.

"Izaya told me to tell everyone that he did it and that if I did that he'll make Nakura pay for what he did for as long as possible," Shinra says.

"That sounds like Izaya." You say.

"Yeah, he also said to make sure that I told you the truth, seems like he didn't want to lie to you," Shinra says.

"That makes me glad." You say.

"Sorry to intrude, but visiting hour is over." The nurse says.

"Right, I'll come to visit again, feel better Shinra." You say.

"Yeah, I look forward to it," Shinra says before you leave.


You were walking on your way home when you saw a figure.

"Hey Y/n, took you long enough." He says.

"Izaya? What are you doing here?" You ask.

"Just coming to see if Shinra told you everything," Izaya says.

"He did. I still don't understand why you did that though." You say.

"It seemed entertaining, so why not, besides it'll be fun to make Nakura's life a mess," Izaya says.

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