Entry 2

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It's been a while since I woke up on this infested facility.

I went through an office, holding my breath and trying to be as still as I can while a community of black monsters played with each other as the lights go in and out. Seeing how careless and joyful they are just makes me want to step out and run up into one of them. I really don't know where I keep getting the courage to keep on moving, even after witnessing multiple times how those beasts just toy with me before breaking my bones and leaving my whole body beyond repair. 

Scattered notes, newspapers, and even photos neatly placed on the walls have helped me in finding out just where I am and what those things are: Parasitistic cures to a disease that went horribly right. I do understand why they had to be animals, what I don't understand is the reason why they have to turn you into one. The only time I ever laughed in here was when I pictured everyone working on these fiends like if they had arrived from a sexually-deviated furry convention. My laugh caught the attention of one of the cubs, who alarmed everyone after tricking me into getting close. I was killed right after. Owch.

Real honest, though, I really do find those guys' really cute when they're not charging at me. I'm pretty sure it's because of the mask and only the mask. It really looks cool. I even tried to wear one that was just laying around. Unluckily, that darn mask is apparently poisonous too.

I took a photo of the offices with the tablet and moved on. Enough of this forsaken place.

Moral of the story: Don't pick strange items, you'll die

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Moral of the story: Don't pick strange items, you'll die. Kind of reminds me of The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask, but without being able to take the mask off.

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