Entry 51 - The Laboratory

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C. DRONE / 100% HP / ATK +3 / DEF 0 / DODGE 0
HARU / 60% HP / ATK +2 / DEF 0 / DODGE +2
YUIN / 65% HP / ATK +1 / DEF +1 / DODGE 0

KEN / 90% HP / ATK +1 / DEF +1 / DODGE +3

My friends all bared their teeth and took out their claws. I took out my hammer, I considered taking out the crystal mask too, but exchanging critical thinking for raw strength isn't such a good idea right now.

> "What's the plan?"
{ "Well, I suppose the heads must be their weakspot! How do we get there?"
- "We wait until they get up close, then we hit them at the last second!"

The cerberus opened their mouths and took a leap in an attempt to bite me, I dodged the central head and landed my hammer on it, but the head at the right managed to grab me and began to bite on me repeatedly, luckily these weren't actual teeth. The First One managed to climb into one of the trees and hit the head holding me where their eyes are supposed to be, it caused them to go back in pain, leaving me free from their grasp.

HARU -25% (35%)
C. DRONE -20% (80%)

> "Haru! Are you okay? Can you stand up?"
- "I... think I can..." - I said while struggling to get up. - "...If we're gonna go with this strat... We need to keep busy the other heads..."
{ "Let's attack em' at once, easy as that."

We waited for the creature to get ready to attack once again, I put on the crystal mask (ATK +1 (3) ) and hurled the hammer at the central head. The creature didn't flinch, but I managed to blow off one of the heads temporarily. I took the mask off right after. (ATK -1 (2) ) 

C. DRONE -15% (65%)


The dog flooded the floor with white goo, the floor became sticky enough to make it hard for me to run. (DODGE -2 (0) ), the creature once again lunged at me and tried to attack me simultaneously using both heads, Yuin and the First One managed to land a punch on their noses (if they even exist) before they could set their teeth on me. The creature dissolved and became 3 normal-sized wolves after taking the hits.

C. DRONE -25% (40%)

Before the white goo creatures could generate, Yuin scratched the few that were halfway done, and the First One began to stomp on the only one who hadn't formed yet. Some sort of tentacle formed out of nowhere and flung Yuin and the First One to the edge of the balcony opposite of my position.

C. DRONE -15% (25%)
YUIN -25% (40%)
KEN - 25% (65%)

All three wolves charged at me and attempted to transfur me, which, now that this madness has turned into an RPG battle, would count as a one hit kill if they managed to.

I managed to put the mask on (ATK +1) and punched the one wolf in front of me, making it disappear, the other ones managed to pin me to the ground, slam my head with the floor, and throw the hammer away to the other side of the room. I was able to struggle more efficiently than before, it was two versus one, so even with that boost, I wasn't able to escape them.

HARU -25% (10%)
C. DRONE -10% (15%)


I wasn't able to see what Yuin and the First One were doing in my desesperate attempt at struggling, but when all hope was lost, I saw how my hammer and the First One's fists pierced through the cerberus twins that remained, left and right respectively, the two wolves froze for some time, then fell to the ground like water. The puddle covering the floor squirmed back to the interior garden, never to be seen again. The goo covering the doors disappeared, hooray.


HARU / 10% HP / ATK +2 / DEF 0 / DODGE +2
YUIN / 65% HP / ATK +1 / DEF +1 / DODGE 0
KEN / 65% HP / ATK +1 / DEF +1 / DODGE +3
- No Stats Upgraded

The First One ripped the mask away from me. { "Dude, are you okay? You look like if you had been ran over by a car!"
- "...I was bit by a giant dog, so I suppose it's kind of the same... That thing sure had a vendetta against me..."
> "I mean... you kind of angered them the most, not to mention you're human..."
- "Ever since the First One hit my knee, I've been getting injured nonstop."

Then I heard the door on the far end open. Every one of us looked at it, and from the doorframe came a furry wearing a gas mask and a lab coat (but of course no pants, because barbie doll anatomy priviledges). Needless to say, it was the Doctor.

# "Harold Ojiro Smith, come in." # The Doctor said.
> "...It's him!"
{ "What's up, Doc?"

I got up and began walking to the Doctor, my friends following me from behind. The Doctor gestured us to stop before we got too close. # "I only requested Harold to enter my office. Yuin, I'll get back to you later, Ken Jones, get out of my sight."

{ "Aight then, glad I came here, Doc. Fuck you." } The First One gave the Doctor a middle finger before walking off.

> "...That was kinda rude, Doctor..."
# "I don't have to treat someone who doesn't respect me with any bit of respect. An eye for an eye."
- "...So... I just... enter?"
# "You may as well want to say goodbye to your friend, I have no idea how long will it be until you can talk to them again." 

> "...What?! How long will you keep him here?!"
# "That is the problem. I don't know, it all depends on how quickly examinate him. Maybe one day, maybe weeks."
> "...I... at least, can I come in and stand by his side while you..."
# "You can't. I need to keep the room absolutely sterilized from any latex beast. Don't worry, as soon as I finish, you'll be able to come in and say hi."
- "...Yuin... I... Wow... I didn't think I'd get here so quickly... I don't know what to do..."
# "Simple: All you have to do is step inside."
- "I... okay. Can I have a few minutes to speak with her in private?"
The doctor took out a phone from their pockets and started a timer. # "Five minutes." # He said before going back into the room he had appeared from.

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