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Martha POV

I watched Adrien enter the class.The teacher came out and smiled at me. I kept my face monotone."You must be the exchange student.What's your name dear."My scowl deepened.As far as I'm concerned the teachers recieve a file upon a new child's arrival so why doesn't​she know who I am.

"Martha Martha Wayne.""Well welcome Martha I'm miss Stephanie your usual teacher isn't in today so I'll be teaching here for a while come on in and introduce yourself to the class."I entered and saw the class divided.A brunette sat with a smirk on her face as she talked to the people serounding her who looked astonished at her.Then it was the group with Adrien the one's who came to get me on Saturday.

Adrien showed me a double thumb's up and I giggled softly at his goofyness."Excuse me class the exchange student is here.Please introduce yourself to the class dear."I sighed and rolled my eyes."I'm Martha,Martha Wayne I don't want to be friends so don't bother me."

I heard wispering throughout the class.Things like "She looks like her and now she's a bully like her wonderful."or "Get rid of one of them another appears."My scowl deepens as I hear what they say about Marinette.She's become like a sister to me and maby soon gonna be my sister-in-law."Hey stop talking like that about my soon to be sister-in-law."

Everyone turned to me as I glared at them."So where not the only one's shipping her with the demon Spawn."I heard Chloe say. I nodded then continued."She's a amazing person I may only know her for a couple of days but I already know she'd do anything for the people she love and care for.You call her a bully but look at what your doing to her.

You cut her out and expect her to still do you favours.As long as I'm one of her friends I'll make sure she gets away from the lieying harlot and unworthy people."I sneared and walked to sit down next to Chloe."Chill Martha you did good.Maby you knocked some sence into some of them."I saw Alix with a smirk on her face come over with two guy's who may I say.Well I can say who look guilty.

"Hey Martha thanks you finally snapped these two out of that snackes spell.Wait that's a insult to Viperion and snakes in general. I can't be that mean to them."I couldn't help the laugh that escaped but that's true."So you two finally used your brains?"Chloe asked looking straight at them.

"I geuss so I'm such a fucking idiot me and Mari have known each other our whole lives we even go to our annual Chinese fest together but recently I've been skipping it. I should apologize for it."The one with blond tips said.He reminds me a bit of Jason.

"I can't believe I calculated all of her tales and got a 39% chance of being true but I still believed her over the person who has never even hurt a fly."the guy with a alka said.That's when I got an idea."Guy's we all hate the lier and want to expose her aswell as set my twin up with Mari right?"I got a few yeahs and a one "If my calculations are correct we first have to ask for forgiveness from Mari."

"We can do it when we have a free period.""Alright class we don't have any work left from Miss Bustier so you can keep yourselves busy."Miss Stephanie said."So that makes it now it's purrr-fect."I heard Adrien say. I face palmed and shook my head."I get away from a punner to another."We all started laughing and then Alix brought out her computer.We dialled Mari's number and she answered.She was in an argument with Damian in the class."I don't care what you say Robin's suit is a monstrosity almost as bad as Riddler and Joker's."I started laughing allong with the others."O shit you got Mari into a fashion argument demon Spawn you won't win this one!"Adrien yelled.Damian glared at the screen before turning back to Marinette."It's not the fourth robin's fault he had to take the design of the first Robin.Atleast he made changes to the design."Mari shook her head.

"He still looks like a human traffic lightBatman wears black then comes robin red,green and yellow like how does that fit?"I could see Damian reach for his sword then a look of seprise over took him."You took my sword again."I looked at the screen and saw a smirking Mari with a sword in her hand."You can get it back later my friends and your twin called so be nice."

"Hey guys oh Max Kim so you finally snapped out of your spell."They both looked down."Where sorry Mari we should have never questioned you in the first place you grounded yourself for saying but head and even dog face so why would you have done that to Lila we're really sorry."She laughed and I saw Damian chuckle. My eyes grew wide and I saw Adrien and Chloe has the same expression."My brother can smile and laugh is the world ending.Run Mari you did the Impossible."I yelled and ducked alling with Adrien and Chloe.

I then heard Damian say "Tt get up you where halusinating.""No way I heard you laugh stop denying it I'm right now Jason and Tim owes me $100 each ha."He scowled."I'm killing you when you return.""Well you said that since we where born so let's see maby you'll get lucky this time."I hung up before he can reply.We all started laughing when the class looked at us I gave them the bat glare.

"So does everyone agree now that those two are made for each other?"I asked."They are going to end up together one way or another they just need a push in the right direction."Adrien finished."Opperation Daminette is a go!"Alix yelled fist pumping and soon we joined in.

Alright guys so Mari was wearing this in this chapter

Hope you enjoyed this chapter.

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