First Day Back

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It was Luz's first day back at Hexside since unlocking her magic. It's only been half the day but Luz already has found that she is a natural at Illusion magic. She sat at the lunch table with Willow and Gus.

"Hey guys, where's the other's?"

"I don't know much about Amity and Skara, but Boscha should be here any minute." Willow said.

"Oh really? How do you know that?" Luz asked.

Willow blushed and looked away.

"S-she sent me a message on my scroll." Willow said.

"Sure." Luz said unconvinced.

Boscha came over and sat at the table. She pulled out a book and started to read it.

"You still have the demon book?" Luz asked.

"Yes, I do. It saved our lives so I'm keeping it and learning about all the demon's in the book. I've even been making some edits to it."

Boscha showed them the changes to the Death Glider. She changed the size to an estimate of 70 feet long.

"So, are you guys coming to the grudgby game after school?" Boscha asked.

"I'll be there." Willow said.

"You know it." Gus said.

"I can't. I have work to do later." Luz said.

"Oh, well that sucks. But I guess the future Emperor can't get out work." Boscha said.

After lunch, Boscha and Luz raced each other to Potion's class, unaware of how bad things will get. In an old run down building a few witches walk up to a man in a black mask.

"Welcome! Do you have what we agreed on?" the man asked.

One of the witches threw down a briefcase and the man picked it up. He opened it and let out a laugh as he saw the money.


He moved out of the way and the witches walked over to the create. One of them open it and pulled out something.

"I'll never understand where you get these."

"I have a man in the human realm. He's capable of getting these with relative ease."

One of them holds it up, revealing an M-16 assault rifle. He fires a few rounds at the target and the lead witch shakes hands with the masked man.

"Pleasure doing business with you." The masked man said, "Just make sure Emperor Lilith doesn't find out about me."

"You have my word. Now I believe we have a game to crash."

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