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Lilith, Eda, and Luz made it to the Emperor's Coven headquarters and the sisters brought Luz to the area they placed the confiscated guns. Luz grabbed one and held it in her hands.

"This is an Ak-47, the most widespread gun in the human realm. How many of these does he have?" Luz said.

Lilith opened a large crate filled with almost ten of them. Luz set the gun down and looked at the crate. She looked back at them.

"If he has this many of just one gun, what is he planning with who knows how many and how do we stop him?"

"We'll find a way." Eda said.

At the hospital, Boscha was laying in her bed. She has become addicted to human television. She was currently watching a random show she's become addicted to that involved four life long friends who compete to embarrass each other, when a doctor came in.

"Boscha, there's someone here to see you."

Boscha noticed the doctor seemed nervous but turned off the Television.


The doctor was about to move out of the way when they were hit in the back of the head with a pistol.

"You don't look so well." The man said.

"If you think I'm going down without a fight then you don't know me at all!"

Boscha got out of bed and drew a spell circle. The man quickly fires the gun but instead of a bullet it was a tranquilizer dart. It hit Boscha in the shoulder and caused her spell circle to fade. She started to stumble before completely passing out. The man changed into a doctor uniform and snuck out with Boscha.

"You'll be perfect for the experiment."

In the Boiling Isles, Luz was hanging out with Gus, Willow, and Skara. Lilith and Eda told her to go have fun with her friends to calm down.

"They said I need to calm down, I'm too anxious! Can you believe that!" Luz exclaimed.

The other three didn't say anything and just kept walking.

"Guys!" Luz said.

"Luz, we don't want to say it but... they aren't exactly wrong." Gus said.

Luz was about to say something when her phone rang. She picked answered it and it was her mother.

"Hello? Hey mom. What?! What do you mean?! O-okay, I'll be there soon."

"What happened?" Willow asked.

"Boscha was kidnapped."

Willow, Gus, and Skara's eyes widened. Luz ran to the Owl House and called out for Amity.

"Amity! Amity where are you?! Amity?!"

Luz looked through the whole house trying to find her. She started to get worried about her but still needed to go to the human realm. She would figure out where Amity was when she got back. Luz went to the human realm and followed her mother to the hospital. They found the doctor that was knocked out talking to police.

"Mom, what exactly happened?"

"The man came in and knocked out a doctor and then took Boscha. Police are currently trying to find her but there isn't much to go off of."

"This man has gone too far. I'm going to find him."

Boscha opened her eyes and found herself in a cage. She groaned as she got up.

"About time you woke up."


"No, the other witch with bright green hair."

Two people in black mask's came in.

"Good, you're up. Now we can begin." The woman said.

The man pulled out a small container. He smashed it on the ground in their cell and a green mist filled the air.

"Good luck." The man said before the pair left.

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