Hidden Room

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The man and woman walked to the area that their contact told them to be. An old abandoned warehouse.

"ah, my good, magical friends! Glad you could make it!" A man said making his presence known.

"Pleasure to see you again, Reginald. Do you have what we agreed upon?" The man said.

Reginald snapped his fingers and two men brought out a create. They opened it and the pair smiled under their masks.

"Be careful with it. It's the most dangerous weapon I've given you."

"It's truly been a pleasure, Reginald." The woman said.

"But unfortunately, this is the last time we're going to be needing you." The man said.

The man made a spell circle and everyone except them died.

"Nothing like ending a partnership with good old dark magic." The woman said.

They grabbed the rest of the crates and left. In the Boiling Isles Luz, Gus, and Willow continued to look for the man's location. They heard a knock on the door and opened it to reveal Edric and Emira.

"We heard you're looking for Mittens." Edric said.

"We might be able to help." Emira said.

"How?" Luz asked.

"A few years ago, we accidently hit Amity with a spell that allows us to track her. It's how we found her secret hideout. Give us a few minutes and we'll have her location."

True to the twin's word they had Amity's location. To Luz's surprise it was in a place she was all too familiar with.

"She's under my old school?"

"Luz, we need to go there." Gus said.

"No, I'm going there. You stay here while I go. I need you here in case something happens."

"Luz I'm not sure that's a good idea." Willow said.

"I know my way around the human realm more than you, I will call you in case something happens."

Luz made her way to the human realm and went to the school. She noticed it was closed.

"That's strange."

"It's because of the kidnappings."

Luz jumped a little and turned around. She saw Heather, Emily, and Tracey.

"What are you doing here? I thought you changed school's." Emily said.

"I'm here because my friend and girlfriend were kidnapped. I tracked them here. The real question is why are you here?"

"My brother was kidnapped." Tracey said.

"Well, if they were taken by the same guy, then they'd most likely be here." Luz said.

"Well do you happen to have a key?"

Luz thought about it for a moment and got an idea.

"I have something better."

She made a spell circle and they teleported inside the building.

"What the hell was that?!" Heather demanded.

"Magic." Luz said nonchalantly, "Now how do we get under the building?"

"Maybe... there's something in the basement."

The four of them went to the basement and found-

"Nothing, there is nothing here." Emily said.

"Well, I wouldn't say that. If they're from the Boiling Isles then there's bound to be a secret door."

Luz looked around for anything out of the ordinary. The other's looked around for anything, not really understanding a thing Luz was talking about.

"What's this?" Emily asked.

Luz came over and looked at the drawing on the wall.

"It's a glyph."

Luz tapped it and a hidden door opened. The girls looked at each other before walking in. Inside they saw a large creature on a dissection table.

"That is a big rat." Heather said.

"That's not any rat, that's a Fear Monger."

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