Part 10 ( Green Pack)

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Red pack √
Green pack 🤔
Yellow pack 🤔


Rose * Here we are .. can you guys behave . ?! cause for f Sake were here to convince as long as we can't get trouble let's talk to them nicely okay .. ?! you jenny and liza ?!!

Jenny"  what me ?!! I do nothing .. don't point me okay .hmfpt !

Jisoo" Haist this will always happen when you guys can't kill ..

Come on  guys .. let's get in ..

Liza "  hi..? good morning ..

???Guys ... ??! someone is here ...

Rose " hey hey ..chillax ..were here to talk to your leader ..

Liza " yeah ..

??? what pack were you came from?..

Jisoo" Smokey mask pack . ..

jenny  " hey .. really did you just ? ..

Jisoo" what ? I'm honest here ..okay ..

Liza "  may I talk to your alpha ..? cause I have something important to discuss. .

Nar*  after 30 Mins of waiting.   ..

Rose "  okay my from now on I change my patient.   ! what the heck ..??! how many seconds ,hours days .we need to wait huh?!

Liza "  no its okay we still can wait ..and then (teasing with a smile )..* huh. wait huh.. now see .

*knock knock ...

Alpha "Who's there ?

its me alpha ..

come in ...

we have guest ..

a guest ?..

yes ..alpha

Alpha ".  ah okay .. let them come in.

yes alpha ...

Warrior -Good morning Alpha ..

Alpha " Good morning what's the reason why you came here ? ..

Rose " to having conversation only.  and then thats it. 

Alpha" what kind of conversation ? .
let's come inside .

after 2mins ..

Liza " as you can see alpha . were here to discuss about combining our pack to you're pack it really big help to us and for our safety ..

Alpha "  hmmpft .. is that only the reason ? give me some reason that we believe know its not very simple.  we discuss about my pack .

Rose" yes alpha.  I know this pack is good too.  my master choose you're pack cause you know..already.   I hope we can get good reply to you .. ?

Alpha "  master ? ..who's your leader ? I mean who's you'r alpha ? .. I want to know before we join you're pack .

Jisoo" we call him master.  I'm sorry we can't tell until its our rule . you can see him soon. (while smiling) ..

Alpha " I hope every is true. don't betray my pack.  this pack is my life .. I protect this intire life.   as you can see my pack is good at fighting.   let's merge .cause.  I don't want also to argue .  (sense something strange but he know this people is good) ...

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2020 ⏰

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