Chapter 3

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It's been one or two weeks since Frida and Mike broke up and she asked us to move in with us. We are gonna move in tomorrow. I'm really excited but I think Julia is so much more excited than I am. We need to pack the last things and then I think we are done. This week is gonna be tight because we need to unpack Julia and my things, but we also need to go shop for the concert that we are both really excited about and then there is the concert next week on Friday. But one day at a time.


We pack the last things and care them down the stairs to the street. We have borrowed her car for the last boxes. As me and Julia drive to the coffee house she breaks my thought, I can feel she will be rambling about how excited she is to move in.

"Okay mom I need to say this. I don't think you understand how excited i am for this and i'm sorry but our apartment is just not it. It's not nice, well yes but it.....It needs something. Well I'm just really happy that we will move in with Frida. But mom what if Frida has a guy over and that would just be weird." See that's what i said, wow i just released  haven't been with someone since the hookup, i'm too scared.

"I'm happy that you're so excited, well me too love. But to be honest i don't think Frida is gonna be with someone, maybe in a few years but i think she will focus on work now, but maybe she will surprise us who knows."I stop at the red light. Then it turns yellow then green and I turn to right then drive straight. Now we are here. I see Frida inside the coffee house. She comes out to us and gives me a hug and then she starts to care for the boxes inside with Julia. She seems to be doing better this week. I lock the car and take the last box and take it upstairs to Fridas apartment.

As I walk up the stairs I hear the door open and Frida looks out.

"Hello love, i've missed you." She says with a very british accent, now i know im british but this is like a southern Yorkshire accent, Frida is from north west. Holmes Chapel to be exact. I let out a small giggle because of her accent.

"What is it my love?." She says even more british i let out a giggle again and shake my head as i walk inside.

When I'm inside I put the box on the dining table and I look around for a moment analyzing the apartment. It's been awhile since i've been here because Frida usually sleeps at me and Julias. Well it's not ours anymore we sold it to some old man, he was quite weird.

I walk to the kitchen to take a glass of water. I'm so thirsty. The water always tastes or feels nicer when you are really thirsty, I drink the glass of water and then walk to Fridas bedroom where Julia is looking at every little thing that Frida has in her bedroom. I think she likes this apartment a lot.

"You like it here don't you." I say as I walk over to her to look at the little dog that's made of porcelain,  it's very cute. It's white, snow white with brown eyes really pretty.

"Yeah I really do." She says and walks to the bed where she sits on the edge and let her hand touch the blanket Frida has on it. She then lets her hand fall on one of the pillows that's dark green. I can see she enjoys being here.

I stand in the door frame, Julia seems so distracted and fascinated by Fridas apartment. I hear footsteps and it's Frida that is approaching.

"Hey girls wanna eat dinner or what because i'm starving."She says and lets her eyes fall on Julia. Julia looks up quickly and nods. We walk out of Froidas bedroom and over to the front door where Frida opens it and we all three walk down the stairs to the coffee shop where there's not that many, maybe four customers. I walk over to the desk.

"So what do you guys want? I'll have the tacos." I ask the girls and they both have their eyes glued on the menu, I think we are all starving. Frida looks up and says.

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