Chappie 4

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I woke up to bright beams of sun in my face which I hate. I sat up and yawned.

Its been a week now and I'm really bored. I think I'm not going to be picky and just go to Konoha even though I really want to go to the Village Hidden in the Sand.

I'm out of food anyway. So I should get a move on to Konoha. I focus my chakra in my feet and climbed up to the top.

Hmm I see, I have to go over two big hills going south and there it is. I walk back down and pack up my stuff and head out.I kept walking and humming some good ol' Northern Downpour.

One hour later

"FINALLY THANK GOD!" I yell with joy seeing the beautiful gates.

I walk up to the gate only to see a duo of attractive guards sleeping,"Hey, thing one, thing two!" I yell in their ears and with that they jolted up.

"State your business," The one with spiky hair said snapping out of his sleeping state.

"I'm here to talk with the Hokage." They gave me a disbelieving looking then whispered to each other.

"Tell us your business and we'll let you go." I sighed and said," I'd like to move here. Now if you don't mind can you get someone escort my ass to the Hokage's?"

They sighed and nodded to each other. One disappeared while the other one was reading me. I sat down crossed legged on the ground.

Damn I'm tired the way here was such a drag. My foot got stuck in a root and that took FOREVER to get out of.

Right before I was about to take my Itcha Itcha out a voice cut me out of my mission,"Hello youthful one I am the green beast of Kohana Might Gai! And I'm here to escort you!"

Holy shit! His eyebrows could be mustaches!! Nothing happened but my eye twitch.

"Okay, well can we go now?" I turned my head to the odd looking man. "Such a youthful thought!" I sighed already annoyed with the conversation and stood up pulling out Itcha Itcha.

"AHHH YOU READ THOSE MY ARCH RIVAL READS THOSE, they're so unyouthful." He shuddered with disgust.

"Well I might like the guy, not because he reads Itcha Itcha."I mumbled the last part to myself.

We walked up to a huge building with a million stairs. When we finally got in there Gai knocked on the door.

"Come in." A raspy voice says.

Gai go's in first and me following with my arms crossed."Good morning Hokage-sama, this is the one you told me to escort."he said bowing.

"Thank you Gai you may now leave." And with that, Gai left. I was just standing there awkwardly as the Hokage observed me." You may sit down there's no need to be shy."

He said with a reassuring smile, I hesitantly sat down."Now my dear what is your name."

"My name is Misumi."He rose his eyebrows at the lack of surname.

"Well why are you wanting to live here and where are your parents?" He questioned with a confused face.

"I've never met my parents but I lived with a mad man since I was an infant, but why I want to live here is to become a ninja and to have a home."He gave me a look of pity, I just scoffed.

"Who was the man that you lived with?" I didn't know what to do because I know Orochimaru is an S-ranked criminal and if I told him he'd probably kick me out, or worse interrogate me.

"You'd kick me out if you knew what lunatic I live with." I looked the floor with dull eyes.

"Well obviously you wished you'd never lived with him, it's okay nothing will happen no matter how bad he is."I rose my eyebrows at that. He seems accountable to his word.

"I guess so, it was Orochimaru the snake Sannin." Then I look away after that not wanting to know his expression was. I pulled on my mask nervous of what he was going to say.

"Well Misumi you start the academy tomorrow, assuming you're around eleven or twelve-ish. Iruka, your sensei, will pick you up, just sign these papers here and your all set, Also here's your keys for the house, rent is always paid till 18, and you get 500 yen [Since I do not know the conversion from yen to US Dollar, just think Five hundred Dollars]a month here's your first payment."

Jeez, I thought he was going to kick me out but he went full out. I could almost feel the whip lash of the confusion in my brain. I looked at him thankfully and said,"Thank you Hokage-Sama it's nice to meet someone nice once and awhile."I said with a closed eye smile.

"Well if you need anything come to me." The Hokage called in an Anbu and told him to take me to my apartment.

Everything going to get better, hopefully.


Well hope you like I know I write short chapters an stuff but not enough time me sowwy.

Any way finally were gettin to the good parts soo yeh.('3,)CLAIM THESE





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