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Emerald (Play the song swipe left on the pic)

"Are you serious" I say getting up from my bed. "Yeah, don't you love me?" He says. I don't say anything I just stare at him.

I mean I do I think I do but we're so young I really care for him but I don't know

"Well?" He says crossing his arms.

"I'm sorry I don't know I think you should go to your room." I say opening my door.

He doesn't say anything and just leaves. I close my door and Go to my bathroom

I look in the mirror and see a tear fall down

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I look in the mirror and see a tear fall down.

I don't know if I love him.

Then all our memories come back to me
The day we met
Common room
Our first kiss
The Christmas gifts
When he told me he loves me

I do Love him

I get ready for bed and Lay down. I toss and Turn I just can't fall asleep.

"How dare you talk to me like that" Voldemort hisses at me. He takes his cold hands and slaps me so hard I fall to the floor. I can feel the handprint on my face. "What makes you think you can talk to Someone so powerful as me?! Pathetic 6th year!" "Boys bring out the whip" Voldemort says. Worm tail comes out with a whip. "No! Don't touch her!" Draco comes out and stands in front of me. "Aha Two Lovers How cute. Worm tail! Hold the boy back!" Voldemort screams then grabs the whip and turns to me. "Now where were we?" He says as he comes closer to me. "No please take me Not her!" Draco yells trying to get out of Worm tails grip. "Shush boy!" Voldemort says. He takes the whip and hits me with it. And again and again and, Again. There are marks on my body. "Please don't do anymore Take me!" Draco yells. "No Draco" I say calmly. "Worm tail take the girl and give me the boy. NOW!" 

"No Draco No !" I yell Crying. Voldemort drops the whip and takes out his wand. "Avada Kadavra!" He yells. A green light comes from Voldemort's wand and hits Draco in the chest.
"NO! DRACO NO!!!!" I yell. "Draco! DRACO PLEASE COME BACK TO ME DRACO! DRACO" I pull his head to my chest and cry holding his dead body.

"No Draco!!" I yell. I gasp super loudly. I'm breathing so heavily. Draco is hovering above me. "Shhh M it's ok it was a dream" He says hugging me. "You- were dead- he killed - he killed- y-yo-you!" I yell. "Emerald it was just a dream it's ok" He says. "Ok-ok" I realize I'm drenched in sweat. "Ugh! I have to shower right now." I look at Draco. "Will you wait here for me?" I ask him. "Yeah of course" he says. I nod and pull out new clothes and go to my bathroom and lock the door. I get in the shower and start washing my hair. The dream felt so real. I start crying because the thought of him being gone terrified me. I get out and dry my hair and put on my clothes. I walk out of my bathroom and see Draco asleep on my bed. I don't want to bother him so I lay down on my couch. "

"What are you doing?" I turn to see Draco sitting up looking at me.

"Oh I didn't want to bother you-"

"Don't be silly come on I'll go back to my room" He says getting up. He opens my door and is about to walk out.

"Wait Draco" I say running to him. He turns around. Before he can react I go on my tipi toes and kiss him.

"I think I love you too" I say smiling. He closes the door and lays down in the bed with me. I turned so my back is against him. I feel his hand pull me so I turn around and look at him. He pats right next to him so I move closer to him. He puts his arm around me. I close my eyes.

This is the happiest I've ever been.

Yo corny? Oh well I love it!


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