Sing song

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I woke up to Oliver moving,
"Nope Ollie your staying here" I say holding him tighter
"We have practice in 30 minutes" he whispers.
"No." I say turning the other way.
"I might have to replace you then" he says knowing that'd piss me off. I stand up look at him.
"It's 6 in the damn morning you fool" I say walking away to the girls dorm.
"What about my hoodie" he says
"I told you. You might never get this back"
"Damn I was gonna wear that for practice." He says
"Fineee. I want it back though" I say sliding it off and throwing it at him. I realized what I was wearing.
"Can I just wear this for practice?" I groan not wanting to do anything.
"Oh hell no" he says
"Sucks doesn't it. Not everyone will listen to you" I say walking Into the girls room.
"YOU BETTER CHANGE" I hear him yell up at me
"NOPE" I yell back and I hear him walking up the stairs a little pouty.
I change into a black version of what I was wearing and change into my red and orange high tops. I slide a red beanie over my mid length hair and apply a light amount of makeup. Mascara and some gloss. That's all. To early to pretty myself up. I wake the other girls I shared a room with. as I was paired with Val, Vals twin sister- Bella and Athena, 3 quidditch players. Chasers to be more exact.
I grab my broom and walk down stairs, Oliver was talking to Fred and George about the ideas he had for practice and I tip toed over to him and jumped into his back.
"We ready" I ask jumping off his back.
"I said to change"
"I did" I say
"She did change" the twins say in sync.
"Guys, she's showing to much"
"Well, there's no dress code for Hogwarts" Fred begins
"Other then the fact that you have to be wearing clothes" George finishes
"Guys not helping" he says as the other girls who where in the team walk down.
"Damn girl lookin hot as hell" Athena says
"Says you" I say to her, she was wearing a red crop top, similar to what I was wearing the first time I met Oliver, but it covered more of her chest.. she also had some black shorts with a red pair of converse,
"I mean thanks but look at  Val and Bella " Athena says and we look at Val and Bella.
They where wearing a black tight shirt, with some grey shorts, val had orange pair of converse, and Bella had black converse
"Yes queen" I say
I look back at Oliver, he had the most confused face on,
"What the hell just happened?" He ask
"It was 4 girls hyping each other up. Get with it" We say at the same time and walk out. We where trying SO hard to hold back our laughs and I could tell the weasleys, they could not they where laughing so hard. we all started laughing and Oliver looked at me. Trying to be mad, but failing miserably.
"What's wrong baby" I say in a whisper like tone.
"Did you-
"I'm teasing you."
"Damn that hurts." He says
"Why, where not together" I say skipping away before he could say anything else
"I CAN CHANGE THAT" he yells out to me
I turn and face him. "What?" I ask
"Come on, what's the worst that can happen." He says
"No what do you mean by that" I say as he gets closer.
"Harley Johnson. I like you. I've liked you sense I saw you get sorted. I knew you belonged with Gryffindor. And seeing Mrs,Mcgonagal bring you over to mr.quills class so you where the new seeker I knew we'd be amazing friends. I loved seeing you smile, I loved seeing you confident, I loved everything about you." He begins and tears lightly rolled down my cheek. "Harley Johnson, will you be my girlfriend" he ask. I wipe tears away from my cheek and nod Slowly, then faster. "Yes, yes" I say. He quickly engulfs me in a hug, "now will you change please." He says desperately
"Nope" I say
"Cause I feel confident, didn't you say you liked me for that?" I ask
He sighs shaking his head and we walk off to the field.
We all mounted our brooms and Oliver went into captain mode.


We had finished practice and where walking into the corridor.
"What'd she says" everyone says quickly
I look at Oliver. I grab his face and kiss him.
"She said yes" he says
Everyone squeals of happiness and I walk upstairs to put my stuff away. I set my broom down and notice my bunny not in her cage,
"Linsey" I call out, nothing, I run downstairs tears rolling down my cheeks.
"Linsey" I say. I keep repeating it till I give up.
I sit down in the couch crying.
"Har what's wrong.," Oliver ask sitting besides me, rubbing my back.
"She's gone"
"Linsey" he ask
"My bunny Linsey" I say
He jumps up and starts calling her name. Still nothing.
We hear the door creak open and my rabbit bounce into here. I rush over to her and see a piece of parchment on her,
"She got out, I guess, maybe keep an eye on her. Also I think she can open doors, so be careful- Haggard"
"Oh my god haggard your a life saver" i say quietly grabbing Linsey and walking upstairs, I set her in her cage and grab a carrot. I stick it through the wires and close the cage up.
I walk down stairs after cleaning up the mascara that was running down my cheeks, I sit down beside Oliver. So much was going on I kept zoning in and out as people started shouting.
I had zoned out for a good 25 minutes before Oliver kept calling my name
"Har, where were you" he ask
"What?" I ask
"What's going on."
"I'm just tired, Ima go lay down." I say and walk away, I walk into the room and put my headphones on and start playing-

(Yes the rap and all)
I was singing my heart out. I felt relieved when I sang. People told me I sound like a angel. I always got flustered over that compliment. I was dancing to. I looked at the door and everyone was crowding it, I put my headphones around my neck,
"Yes?" I ask
"Holy shit, you can ALSO sing" Oliver says smiling
"Yeah, I guess..." I say shrugging,
Oliver looks at me smiling
"What?" I ask
"Your so good at it to" he says
I blush a little and push them all out.
"Let me change please" I say
"FINALLY" Oliver shouts as I close the door.
I grabbed my booty shorts and my Joker tank top. Most of the bruise where quickly healed but others weren't. I feel everyone in Gryffindor is like a sibling to me. Other then Ollie he's more and will always be more. I changed into a set of Joker Jams. I literally LOVE theses so comfortable.

I walked down stairs after removing my makeup

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I walked down stairs after removing my makeup. I sat down beside Oliver
"Damn look hot as ever. Might need to you cover up" he whispers in my ear. I laugh a bit and look at him.
"My hoodie" I say and run upstairs to the girls dorm and grab my hoodie.

I walked back down stairs after Putting it on

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I walked back down stairs after Putting it on.
"Your so into DC. Aren't you" Oliver says
I smile like ALOT.
"Ollie" I whisper.
"Yes" ye whispers back
"I think Im in love with the Joker" I whisper sarcastically
"Am i the Joker"
He looks at me. "I'm in love with the Joker" I smile sarcastically
"Your joking right?" He ask. Did he not want me to say I love him. Cause I do. I have for a long time. We haven't even been together for a day, relax Harley,
"Time will tell" I say sliding the hood off and laying down on Oliver's lap. He plays with my hair lightly causing me to fall asleep. It was 7:30 when we got back from practice, and 8 when I went to nap.

Oliver's POV

"Time will tell" she says sliding her hood down and laying down on my lap. I was lightly playing it's her hair as I felt her fall, asleep.
"She was about to say I love you." Harry says
"I think she was" I say quietly.
"Did you not want her to say it?" Harry ask
"No, I did," I say "but we've only been dating for like less then 4 hours.
"True." Fred says
"She looks so peaceful" George says, earning a glare from me.
"Mineee" I hiss.
I could feel a light chuckle under Harleys voice. She sat up and kissed my cheek.
"Lay down" I say
She pulls me down so she's laying on my chest,
I don't argue, I will gladly cuddle.
She was truly asleep, and you could tell through the light breathing, the closed eyes, and her not moving, expect for her stomach.
"Your head over heels for her" Fred says earning a smirk from me.
"Yep." I say running my fingers through her hair.

A pure blood- Oliver WoodWhere stories live. Discover now