His/hers/mine (frank x reader)

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First request for LYDIA! She asked for one where Frank is her horrible friends boyfriend and she accidentally falls in love with him!

" I can't believe I'm saying this, but my boyfriend is worthless." Y/b/f/n says. You look at her in shock, you couldn't believe she would say something so cruel. "Now why would you say that? I thought he was beautiful, kind, and everything a girl could ask for?" You question her. "Idk, it's just...i don't even know! He's annoying, and all over the place, and he's definitely too emo for me." She says in the most careless tone. You look at her with pain in your eyes. If she felt that way about him, is that how she feels about you?

"What?!" She asks while looking at you.
"Nothing, let's just get to your boyfriends." You say before gulping the pile of spit you wanted to give to her face. When you got to her boyfriends house, you were a bit shocked. He was handsome with his beautiful short self.

"Hi, I'm Frank!" He said with a welcoming smile and his arms out as if he wanted to embrace you with a hug.

"Oh, hi! I'm Y/N" you said while letting out a weak giggle and hugging him.

"Are you thirsty?" He asked.

You being your awkward shy self, says no. Your friend got up and walked to the kitchen where there was a group of people, leaving you in the living room alone with Frank.

"Would you mind?" He asks pointing at the seat that was beside you.

"Oh, not at all." You say say with a welcoming smile. You smelt his sweaty self.

"What have you been doing?" You asked him.

"Oh, I was playing guitar." He giggled.

"Rad!" You replied before turning around. You could see your friend kissing someone else in the reflection of the tv screen, you looked over to see Frank watching. He looked at you and rolled his eyes.

"Want to go on a walk?" He asked. You of course excepted his offer. I mean, she wasn't going to treat him the least bit better than you were.

"Frank, are you okay?" You asked.

"Yeah, I'm used to that, Y/N." He said with his head down.

"WHAT? Don't except that Frank! You are way too beautiful and such a great person, you deserve better and there is someone that needs you more than she does!" You yell. You suddenly realize what you just did. You put your head down in embarrassment.

"Can I ask, Y/N...." he pauses. "Who could need me?" He asked. You watched as his feet touched yours, "me, Frank." You whispered. Everything got silent. You finally looked up and before you knew it, his lips met yours.

"Finally!" He shouted before pulling you in tightly.

"Finally?" You laughed with a curious tone.

"Yeah, I would stalk your IG from her page! Finally, Y/N is mine!" He yelled while running you down the road.

Finally, someone to love, someone that will understand your weird self.

Blood love (My Chemical Romance x reader) Where stories live. Discover now