Sova - Thunder and lightning (2/2) (NSFW)

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----PROMPT: Power's out at your place, luckily you know someone who lives close by. Sova, your favorite mountain man, greets you with a warm smile and a meal. Sure, you're pretty close friends at work, and you've been invited to his place several times with others, but things are different when you're all alone. He's quiet, like always, but tonight the silence is deafening.-------

---Warnings: This is basically just self indulgent smut with a dash of plot. Don't read it if you're not looking for that, please. (fingering, oral {reader receiving}, overstimulation, unprotected sex, aftercare, snuggling) (It's a little sloppy because I've been really busy lately, but it's just going to sit in my drafts if I don't publish it now, oop)


"I.. uhm.. I can believe it.." you mumbled, mind racing.  You were sure some higher force was playing with you, tormenting you with Sova's flirtatious nature and a few cheeky coincidences. And it was really fucking you up. He made his way back to the table and you plated yourself a small piece, standing there for a few extra moments before daring to face him again. When you sat down Sova was already finished, and you felt his eyes on you as you ate.

"Are you feeling alright, Y/N? You're quite flushed." he remarked matter-of-factly, your face reddening further at his notice, body betraying you.

"I'm.." you cleared your throat and tugged on your ear anxiously, feeling a little too seen. "I'm fine, just a little, um, cold still, I think." you babbled, eyes darting around the room in avoidance.

"You think?" He questioned. Sova stood and made his way towards you, running his fingers along the table as he went. Your rapid heartbeat was a drum in your ears, drowning out the sounds of the room and making it harder and harder to focus. He moved until he was looming behind you and put his hands on your shoulders, brushing your hair to the side before leaning in close. "Would you like me to warm you up..?" he asked, voice low and husky.

"I- Um.. Sova" you stuttered, words making their way out of your mouth as they popped into your head. How many times had you drifted away at work, caught in a daydream off just a shared look across the room, or an accidental brush of bodies as he squeezed past you in the hall.. This though? This was more than that.. and this was real.. You rubbed your thighs together, hungry for contact. He moved his hands on your shoulders and started massaging them, dipping forwards towards your collarbone occasionally. Sova's touch was firm, and goosebumps appeared wherever he touched, your skin on fire from the attention. You couldn't help but squirm from the way your body buzzed, begging for more of his touches.. "Sova.." You purred, insecurities and inhibitions fading into the back of your mind as heated thoughts stole the forefront, "your hands feel so nice."

He stopped abruptly, caught off guard by your directness. For the first time in a while, Sova was blushing. Sure he'd been yearning for this for some time, but (knowing your usual shy demeanor and tendency to flush at the mention of anything bordering on indecent) he'd kept his thoughts to himself out of respect. Here however, in this moment, he wondered if your tendencies weren't the result of a dry mind, but rather a perverted one ironically censored by its own timidity..

He looked down at you and felt sure, for though your eyes avoided him and your face was covered in red-hot blush, your hands wandered over your own skin greedily, as if having a mind of their own. Like a little bunny, he mused, simultaneously protected and trapped by its cage, thumping around madly, calling out to be freed by a trusted hand.. "So flustered, little one, so needy.. aren't you?" Sova ran his hands down your front and up under your skirt, his fingertips brushing against your soaked panties. Your slick seeped through the thin fabric as he increased the pressure of his actions and you moaned at the feeling. "Ahh.." he breathed into your ear, "What a lewd girl" he teased. You looked down in embarrassment, but he brought his unoccupied hand to your throat and tilted your head to face him with his thumb on your chin.  "Tssk.. You're just dying to be fucked aren't you? You poor thing, don't be shy.. Let me help you.." He purred, turning the chair to face him and kneeling in front of you. He slipped two fingers past your panties and pushed them into you, wet sounds filling the room as he pumped them. Sova leaned in to kiss you roughly and you ran your hands over his chest, wandering down until you felt his hard length. "Now now" he laughed, "I want to play with you more before you take my cock.." he breathed into the crook of your neck, removing his fingers from you and hooking them on the sides of your panties to pull them off. You whined at the loss of contact and he looked up at you with an eyebrow raised as you lifted your bottom off the chair to assist. "So impatient" he teased, giving some attention to the sliver of bare skin that peeked out flirtatiously between your socks and skirt. You looked down at him, arousal growing as you watched him leave a trail of purple hickeys. He dipped his face under your skirt and licked a long stripe up your clit, your back arching at the feeling. You could feel his smirk form as a loud, breathy moan escaped your lips, leaning back and gripping his now disheveled hair to steady yourself as your bottom slipped further off the chair. His hands roamed your lower half as he lapped at you, thick fingers digging into your plush thighs and hips to keep you still and upright. Your chest felt tight and you bucked into him, desperately.

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