Sova - Thunder and lightning (1/2)

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----PROMPT: Power's out at your place, luckily you know someone who lives close by. Sova, your favorite mountain man, greets you with a warm smile and a meal. Sure, you're pretty close friends at work, and you've been invited to his place several times with others, but things are different when you're all alone. He's quiet, like always, but tonight the silence is deafening.-------

---Warnings: This is basically just self indulgent smut. Don't read it if you're not looking for that. 


It was a cold, wet walk up to his cabin, the trees above you cracking and groaning in the wind. You saw the glow of his porch lights from the end of the driveway and sighed, it had been a long evening so far and you wondered what time it was now.

Sova opened the door and you stumbled in, damp and shaking from being out in the cold. "Y/N? O bozhe, Did you walk here?! I would have gotten you if you'd called.." he scolded like a worried father as he closed the door, pulling your wet jacket off of you while you kicked off your slush-covered boots. "Did you need something urgent?"

"I'm so sorry, I couldn't call. Power went out at my house and my phone wasn't charged.. I did get a cab but they wouldn't go down your road because of the high winds and all the trees.." you said quietly, wondering if maybe you had interrupted him, silently you chastised yourself for being so impulsive. "I'm sorry if you were in the middle of something, I just didn't want to be alone.." You added, searching his face for any sign that your presence was an unwelcome one. 

His appearance softened at your response, however, and he lead you to his kitchen where a large covered pot sat on the stovetop. "I was just making dinner, I'm almost done if you'd like to take a seat." He said, shooting a toothy grin your way. He opened the oven and took out a tray of rolls, just the sight made your stomach rumble, you hadn't thought to eat before you left and the smell in the room had you practically drooling.

You cleared your throat awkwardly, watching Sova shuffle through his kitchen was strangely intimate, and you felt more and more like an intrusion. "Um, I brought extra clothes because I figured you wouldn't want me moping around your house sopping wet.. I'm gonna go get changed real quick but I'll definitely be right back for that" you said, holding up your backpack. He sent you a nod and went back to the food. 

Once in his wash room, a half bath with only a roomy shower and a toilet, you removed your wet clothes and put on what you had brought; A skirt and long sleeve shirt, slipping thick thigh high socks over your legs for warmth. All you had in your drawers, because of course the power went out halfway through your laundry cycle

When you returned to Sova he had two plates ready and you sat in silence at his wooden dinner table while you ate. You wondered how often he dines like this, sitting in the quiet, staring out the window, alone.. Your mind wandered as you observed him, and you couldn't help but admire the man's physique, the way his chest and shoulders strained the fabric of his flannel shirt, sleeves pulled halfway up his thick forearms. His pale blonde hair was tied up in a bun making him appear somewhat domesticated, and you giggled absentmindedly at the thought, his eyes darting to meet yours. "What?" He asked, raising his eyebrows from the sudden break in silence. 

"OH, I was just, er, thinking about something from earlier, sorry haha" you spoke, the words stumbling out of your mouth awkwardly. Wow, nice. That was super casual. Sova, however, seemed content with your answer and went back to his meal, leaving you to ogle him in peace. You were deep in thought and staring straight into his chest (wondering exactly what color his chest hair might be.. Blonde? Or maybe a silver grey?) when he cleared his throat, your eyes meeting his like a deer caught in headlights.

"So, did you want dessert or..?" he asked innocently, obviously unaware that he'd caught you in the midst of a steamy daydream featuring yours truly.

"Uhm, dessert?" you answered him quizzically, wishing you were alone so you could scream.

"Yes, I have some cheesecake in my fridge, would you like some?" he said slowly, as if he'd already asked this while you were lost in thought. You wondered again how long you'd been staring off into space like that..

 "Oh! Well, I mean, yes, of course I would" you said quickly, willing your own mind to behave itself. He left the table and you followed, watching him retrieve and open a box to reveal a swirled cheesecake with chocolate pie crust.

"You know, I didn't really think you'd like stuff like this" you admitted. The thought of Sova wandering the aisles of a bakery, decisively choosing this intricate chocolate swirl number over something more plain was quite amusing.

He chuckled and looked at you, eyes crinkling, "What, I don't look like a cheesecake guy to you?" He jested, taking long strides across the room to grab two plates from a high cupboard. 

You took this time to approach the cake more closely, deciding on what piece you'd have, when suddenly you felt his presence envelope you, arms making their way around you to cut and plate one for himself. Your heart raced, and dark thoughts pushed their way to the forefront of your mind. Jesus, his hands are huge.. You took mental notes of the way his form dwarfed yours, his arms easily reaching past you, his chest respectfully floating just outside the touch of your back. Oh wow. You let out a breath you'd been holding in and a soft, airy moan accompanied it, the heat of your arousal pooling at the tease of such close contact. "I happen to have quite the sweet tooth, if you can believe it." he said, his breath hot on your neck as he leant over you.

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