Chapter 16

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Quick A/N: So I am BACK! I'm going to try to update as much as I can. I' am thinking of maybe doing one chapter a day but I don't know. Also THANK YOU SOOO MUCH for 300 READS!! That is crazy. I really appreciate and I'm so happy that people enjoy my books. Anyway, enough of me lets do a quick rundown of the story so far if you have forgotten. Btw I'm aussie so my spelling is very different compared to americans, also aussies meaning is different to americans. Just to let you know 

Rundown (If you already know what's happening skip to the part where the text is normal.)

So there is Avani, Josh, Y/n, Griffin, Bryce, Jaden and Dixie. Dixie and Griffin broke up as well as Y/n and Jaden. Y/n is over it but Jaden isn't. Jaden keeps on trying to get Y/n back however she does not care about it anymore. A little bit later on in the story, we get a flashback about Y/n home life and her relationship with her dad. Later on in the story we meet Josh who is the quiet kid in school. Josh is our neighbour. When we arrived home from school Josh has witnessed what was going on in Y/n life and got her to stay over at his house. We meet Josh's parents and they are very nice and let her stay. Continuing on Josh and Y/n's relationship has gone stronger and they trust each other a lot, there may be a few feelings getting involved but they just think that they are getting caught up in the moment. There has a bit of drama between Y/n, Griffin and Dixie. Now that you are caught up lets continue on with the story. 

We walked back home and soon arrived back at his house. Josh opened the door and walked inside. We walked to the living room where Josh's parents were. 

"Oh my god where have you been??!!" Josh's mum asked

"Um" Josh looks to me

"We went to the park"

"Ok" Josh's dad said

Josh and I walked up to his room and talked. 


Josh and I grabbed our bags and skated to school. While Josh was about to go his separate way I pulled him back.


"could I hang out with you and Olivia?"

"Yeah sure" 

We go to Josh's locker first so he can put his stuff away and then went to mine. I put my stuff away and we walked to the oval. 

"hi Josh!!" Olivia says

"Hey!!" He says back and hugs her. 

"Hi Olivia" I say

"Omg I- wha- wait pinch me am I dreaming?"

"No" I laugh

"Wait why are you hanging out with us why aren't you hanging out with like Jaden and all that"

"Oh um just a little drama, don't want to get involved"

"Oh makes sense" She gives me a hug, in which I returned

We sat down and started talking. 


"Hey" I say walking up to the group.

"Hey bro" Griffin walks up to me and bro hugs me

"Hey guys" I say to the girls


"Wait where is Y/n?" 

"Um I don't know actually" Avani says sounding concerned

"I would've expected her to be here by now" Bryce says also sounding a little concerned. 

"She's probably gonna skip again" Griffin laughs

We just all death stared him

"What I thought I was forgiven"

"Um no not yet anyway" Dixie says rolling her eyes and kept on talking to avani.


The bell went and it was time to go to class

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