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Joshua didn't wear all black the morning he woke up and decided to go on a walk. Instead, he donned on a tan wool coat and black gloves with a scarf. Everyone's eyes were on him as he walked, they were always on him. Picking him apart. His mere existence was a shame.

He met eyes with a peering woman who couldn't help but look at him while she was raking the leaves. He didn't hesitate to look back at her, and she immediately got back to cleaning up her yard.

Humans love to stare, but they didn't seem to love saying a damn thing.

His nose flushed red from the cold while he walked, keeping his hands in his pockets despite their warm protection. He walked like any other happy-go-lucky guy, slowly, taking in the sights around him to appreciate the smaller things in life.

The man smiled at the creatures that found homes in the trees and bushes around the town, it was almost like nothing was wrong. In fact, it was like everything was better.

He easily ignored the young siblings that whispered amongst themselves after noting his choice in clothing. If he had his way, he would've erased the memory of him even being married to Oliver from the townspeople's minds.

Joshua found himself passing the church where Oliver's funeral was held, not even bothering to pay his grave a visit.

Hot air hit his upper neck and the side of his cheek, the heat warmed the cold surface of his skin on the area, making his heart jump. It was almost like there was someone breathing down his neck.

He swiftly turned the other way, only to find out that there was nobody there. The only thing he could spot was a young couple walking hand-in-hand on the other side of the road and a white cat crossing the street.

Joshua took a sigh of relief and continued going about his way, brushing off the eerie feeling as a product of his mind messing with him.


The faint whispering in his ear was enough to make him gasp. He felt shivers down his spine and his heartbeat quicken, but once again, he couldn't see anyone around him.

He realized that he might just be spending a little too much time all alone. Losing Oliver and gaining pity from everyone in town was already too much, he didn't think it'd make him hear voices. Being all by himself in a big mansion was enough to mess with anyone's head.

Joshua turned the other direction and started to make his way to Alexander's house, only because he might be the only one he could trust. He did consider checking on Tom, but he quickly shook that thought out of his head. After their last encounter, he thought he wouldn't want to see him.

After he makes it to his friend's house, these strange... hallucinations will disappear. At least that's what he assumed.

He walked at a brisk pace, trying to make it to his destination as fast as he could without coming off as suspicious. Alex welcomed him with open arms into his home, as he always did.

Joshua didn't dare say a word about what he experienced on his walk, there was nothing that could tell what Alex would do if he thought he was going insane. He may have been his best friend, but he thought just like everyone else in the town.

Alex... was just like everyone else. He knew more, but he still thought the same. His mind exhibited identical patterns as the townspeople that stared at him. Joshua wouldn't dare say it out loud, but he had a gut feeling that he was above these commoners. Every moment he spent with others felt like he was getting his patience tested. Every nerve in his body tensed up more every second.

Of course, Joshua couldn't isolate himself from everyone in the world forever, it'd be even worse than suffering in a crowd. Alex was loveable. He made him feel... positive. Even the voices went away when he was staying over.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2022 ⏰

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