The Departure

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"Get out, Berad, take the others with you"

"No father, my pride won't allow this"

"It's not about pride son, it's about survival now,. Now go, I'll handle this myself"

"Father I can take all of these guards on, and I doubt Sekris can fight me 1 on 1"

"That's the thing son, he's not gonna fight 1 on 1, and my assumption is he has Rilus with him, seeing as the royal guard is involved"

"Beris, brother, let's go"

"I can't allow this Cass"

"Well if you won't, I'll take the lead"

"Go with them son, they need you, you're the eldest, you have the most experience in the world"

"But father"

"Enough of this"

Cass pulls out a gun that shocks Beris enough to knock him out, then Erimis retrieves the gun from Cass and Dera proceeds to carry him

"Stay safe father, we will find you after this"

"Goodbye my children, I can only hope to see you again"

The children proceed to leave, covered by Erimis' cloak, rendering them invisible

At a distance, they watch as their father fights a seemingly endless wave of guards, then later seeing Sekris and Rilus, drawing weapons to fight the mighty king

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