The Ability

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"This secret of mine, it's my special ability" Said Erimis

"And your ability is?" Beris, curious

"Do you know what a philosopher's stone is?"

"No, but all I know is only 3 were made"

"Well, 1 of them was destroyed, another was lost, and the other..."

"What happened to the last one?"

"It was given to me"

"What? Do you have it?"

"Yes, I've had it since my creation"

"How is that your ability?"

"Because it's not just a item for me, it's my core, unlike you, I don't have a crystalized draugus heart like you, I don't have a wind matrix like Cass, I don't have a Void caster gem like Dera, But this stone is one of the most powerful magical artifacts this realm has ever known"

"I though our people don't dabble in magic"

"We do, just not in the open"

"What makes this an ability?"

"I can transmute anything to anything but at a large cost, a extremely large cost"

"Energy?, Let me guess you'll have 7 days after 1 transmute"

"No, It depends on how big"

"How much did that backpack cost?"

"I'd say about a day, It was worth it though"

"How is it worth?"

"Well I can carry more items, and the more items, the more things I can make"

"These are things only you can justify"

"Well brother, It's gonna be useful one day"

"Just to ask, can you use the philosopher's stone offensively?"

"Haven't though of that, but I think I can"

During the conversation, Cass wakes up from her rest and joins them

"Hey, what are you 2 talking about" asked the newly awakened Cass

"Cores, you know the thing that grants our abilities" Beris said

"Yeah Dad gave us pretty good cores to be honest" Cass replied

"He did give us pretty good cores, we won't need to upgrade it anytime soon" Erimis added

"Why are you talking about cores anyway?" Cass asked

"Erimis revealed what his core is" Beris replied

"What's your core brother?" Cass questions

"Cass, you are asking a lot of questions" Erimis  countered

"Just answer the question Erimis, please?" Cass pleaded, emulating a puppy with her eyes widened

"Fine, just dont do that eye widening thing, creeps me out" Erimis exclaimed

"Ok, now tell me" Cass exclaims

"I have a philosopher's stone as my core" Erimis muttered

"A philosopher's stone?, The transmutation thing? The thing alchemist used?" Cass, asking multiple questions, possibly overwhelming Erimis

"Yes, a philosopher's stone, Yes, you use it for transmutation, Yes, Alchemist use it, anymore questions?" Erimis answers

"Last question, what's in the tool belt?" Cass asking the "final question"

"Oh, it's a bunch of stuff I need if I'm going to tinker, It's just multi-tools, and other tactical items like a smoke bomb I still have 1"

"Here Cass, this is your drink" Beris said as he was handing a small jar filled with biodiesel

"Don't drink all of it, we don't have much" Erimis comments

Cass takes a sip, her eyes widen in the surge of energy causing her to leap off the rock she was standing on

"Ow ow ow, ok jumping is not good" Cass says as she sits down in mild but annoying pain

"Did it give you that much energy?" Beris questions

"Not really, but it taste amazing, might get addicted to this if I keep drinking" Cass replied

"Did Dera drink hers?" Erimis asked

The 3 take a look at Dera, still there, the jar was touched, but it was still almost full, it's obvious she drank some, but by the looks of things, she still doesn't want to move

"Can we help her?" Cass asked concerned

"No, her neural wiring seems to have shut out all outside interference, she can hear us, but she won't act upon it, she's stuck in her head at this point" Erimis stated

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