The Rebuke

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"I heard the war cry I'm going to gue-oh no"

"Cass is injured badly, you'll fix her up right?" Dera says, panicked

"Leave me, I'll take care of her, now leave"

"But I can help, what do you need?"

"I need you to leave, I don't mean to hurt you but this is your fault, I can't have you screw up more"

"What!?, How could you blame me for something your bow caused"

"It's definitely not the bow, I'll prove it if I have to"

"Dera just come with me, give Erimis his needed space"


Cass' wound isn't deep, but it's enough to cause her to pass out, possibly from adaptive fluid loss, which is the equivalent to blood in this case, Erimis knows he can stop it, but he can't fix it right now, he need a specific material

After stopping the bleeding and waiting for the adaptive fluid to do the equivalent of blood clotting, Cass can answer Erimis' questions without being in immense pain.

"Cass what the hell  happened?"

"Well we found a white bioris, and I made a mistake"

"And that mistake was?"

"Not using my ability"

Sword master's tempo

An ability that enhances Cass' speed and precision with melee weapons, this is what lets her get out of bad situations, her reaction time also increases, causing her to be almost impossible to hit unless attacked by multiple fast moving projectiles or restrained by a trap

"Why didn't you use your ability then"

"I wasn't able to react fast enough, it just happened so quickly, Dera shot, missed, and the bioris just charged and immediately hit me"

"Oh great, my suspicions where correct, don't move much, you're still weak, so go rest"

"Ok, but please, go easy on her, I know you're gonna scold her for this, It's not her fault"

"No it's her fault, she missed, just like I said"

"It might be the bow"

"It's not the bow"

"How are you sure?"

"Let me show you then, might as well prove it to Dera as well"

Erimis calls Dera and Beris, to show that it wasn't his bow

"Let me prove to you, that it wasn't the bow"

"Hmp, he's gonna miss, I know it" Dera whispers to herself

Erimis nocks, aims, and shoots

It's a hit

"Wait how?, You made it better didn't you!"

"I didn't touch this until I gathered all of you, you missed, it wasn't the bow, or the arrows, you simply missed, that's it"

"How? I never missed before this"

"You simply missed, that's it, you caused Cass' injury, you forced Beris to use his ability, and now you cause me stress, all because you missed, I should have never put my trust in you, you're all talk, can't even do your title right" Erimis said, angered, but still maintaining his form


"Save it"

This conversation seems to have affected Dera, as soon as Erimis leaves to continue his work, Dera leans against a tree, sits down, and cries, Beris watched the entire conversation, but he didn't say anything, he goes somewhere else, possibly to get materials, leaving Dera, alone, broken.

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