Chapter 3

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A/N-Don't hate me please on this but, at first, this was going to end because my sweetheart Grant ( 1DFanboy) Closed his account of here and I didn't know if I could continue with this story cause it was callaboration and he was gone so there was none. He didn't want to stop writing I telling you this and I hope he starts back writing and Grant I hope you read this sweetie cause Denise missed youz so! But read the a/n at the end please. I going to try to do this by myself. Tell me what you think.

The light from the guest room hit Harry's face as he tried to keep his eye lids from opening to the ray of light the seemed through the window. He rolled over in the soft bed , burying his face into the pillow. He didn't feel like getting up but, he hadn't remembered where he was.. 

His eye lid opened up quickly as he felt around and look around to see or remember where he was. He wasn't in his house, no, this couldn't have been. It was like the castle that he was brought up in for so long. The linings on the bed and the designs that were on the wall were a alike the the one in his parents room. He sighed in rememberance of them, they would never had forgiven him for what he wanted and right now, what was doing. He started to remember things and realise that he was laying in the bed in the Tomlinson's castle or manison ( what ever). He sat up, sitting against the wall behind the bed with the covers covering his body. 

He couldn't just stay here even though he was asked to, it was too much but his mind wanted him to stay and be close to the boy he wanted most. He got out of the bed and walked over the dresser where an outfit layed out with a note on it:

Wear this while I get your stuff, Mason.


The knock on the door stopped him from wandering around the room anymore than he had been. He stared at the door, not wanting to open it up knowing that it could one of the tomlinson's that were not Louis. He started toward to the door of the bathroom. The voice on the other side of the room was what stopped him from going on into it.

" Mason. It's me, you can open the door up." It was Louis.

" Yeah." He walked over to the door and opened it up slowly to see those blue eyes that made him relax and want to stare into those everyday. He smiled shyly as he opened the door til it was fully open for Louis to walk into it.

" Did you have a good nights sleep, Mason?"

" Why ofcouse I did. You?"

Louis blushed alittle, he was never asked that by anyone, no one ever lead up to that. To be in his house and stay still after some what talking to him, it made him kind of happy.

" Um, it was good. It would have been better if I had someone to cuddle with."

" Cuddle with?" Harry said in a questioning manner making Louis moves to the side of the room as he touched the  wall not staring at Harry at all.

" Yep, it so cold in my room at night. The heater on the side of the painting side wasn't moving around my room. It never does. I was so cold, I wanted to have someone there  to cover me up."

" Cuddling is just... fluff.'

" And what do you mean by that, Mason?" Louis said to him a denfense voice, he was showed the he describe him want arms of warmth soft. He moved closer to him trying to make sure he heard his explanation right.

" I mean, look at youself, you can have any person around and you see alone at night. It's not right, you can do what you want and you don't take it. You could get those arms if you just said something."

" It's not like that, Mason."

He took a step closer, " Than what?"

" I want the right ones arms. Not just a money snatchers or strumpet . Frankly, that just isn't me. if you must know how i really feel Mason."

" Okay, okay. I get it. You don't want that but, still, don't you want someone that you want? That you can't stop thinking about and want so much but. you can't say it?"

Louis turned away from Harry, he told everything about how he felt. It was crazy.

" Louis, it's okay, I'm going to always be here til you find that person or have to the guts to tell them. And then you'll be happy an warm forever."

" I hope so.." He said but gasped once he felt the arms wrap around him body as he kept looking the other way. He turned to see Harry's face right in the depth of his neck.

" I have your clothes from the dude you told to get them from last night, I didn't want to wake you cause you were so cut- I mean looked so tired that I didn't want to bother you."

Harry froze for a moment, he went to see Niall, he didn't tell Niall about him and he didn't know he was lying about the name at all, he just hoped that Louis would look past it and think of something other than that.

" Oh and he kept saying Harry like he didn't know who you were. Why was that, I walked in and he was talking as if you weren't Mason at all, like you were this Harry guy and he didn't want to give me the clothes either. I had to basically tell him that I would get my servants to come for him to get me something. Weird. Can you straighten this out for me cause my head hurts from this?"


Ending on a cliffhanger. I want to say that I don't know if it's good, I love writing it but I don't think I can do this by my self and I wanted to ask.

Who wants to work with this with me and be my callaboration partner?

leave comment and or go and message me!

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LOve you !

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