Chapter 11- Dream's POV

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No, no, no, no. This can't be happening. My best friend, he's stuck in this old ass house, well, forever. This isn't possible.

And this stupid ass ghost kid is really pissing me off.

I walk up to him, "Listen here buddy. I'm not afraid of your hollow threats. I really don't give a crap about whether or not WiLBuR is happy about us not going with you. My best friend is dead and I don't feel like going with you. So piss off." I say to the ghost. His face falls, I can see the anger in his eyes.

Oh boy, is he angry now. But guess what, I don't give a care in the world. What I do care about is George. I turn to face where George is, but instead of him still being there, he is trying to sit in a chair.

As he tries to sit though, he just falls right through the seat, as if it wasn't even there. He really is a ghost. I can't believe it.

The ghost comes up and pull me away from everyone. His angry almost completely gone. "Listen" he says in a low enough voice that no one except me heard him, "I understand you're mad but Wilbur is pretty insane. Sadly, my 'hollow threat' isn't very hollow. If you do intend on the rest of you walking out alive I would follow me."

Although all my instincts are telling me not to, I say, "C'mon guys, let's go with him". I sigh, knowing how everything else has been and how this is gonna end badly.

Everyone, including George, stops whatever there were doing to follow the ghost wherever he is leading us.

Eventually we end up in the main room, or more formally known as the entrance room. Standing there waiting is Wilbur, Tubbo, and another person. A girl.

The only one who looks even remotely happy about this situation is Wilbur, who is grinning like a madman.

"Welcome back! How was your walk? Oh, wait, I don't care" he says, then laughing at his own joke. "Well, I have another deal for you all. This time, it is for ALL of you. All your people and even mine. So, are you interested?"

"Explain" Drista says, no one is going to up jump straight into a deal with this dude anymore.

"Well, they all get their lives back, everyone's life. Nikki, Tubbo, Tommy, and even George. For a simple price really." He says. At this new information, Tommy, Toby, and Nikki all look up at him. I can't tell if it is worry or happiness in their looks though.

"So, what the 'price' we have to pay for their lives?" Ranboo question.

"Oh, nothing big. Just one of your souls" He says, smile growing wider than ever. This is absolutely insane. "And before anyone makes any big decisions, this is four people's lives back for me to only be able to control your body ever once in a while. This is a win-win situation for everybody!"

Is it bad to say I'm considering it?

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