Entry 10

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Dear Reader,

You will never guess what happened at the party!

So, everyone arrived at about 5pm, just as it said on the invitation. It was pretty small after all, we’d only invited a few people, cause none of us knew many people yet. Dad and some of his work colleagues were cooking and talking around the barbeque, while Mum and her work friends were talking at the table. Skye was off running around with her friends, ABCJKL, Gabriel and I were sitting on our tennis court, and Sophie and her friends were all inside.

About a quarter of the way through the party, I felt someone tugging on my sleeve. I looked over to see Skye, frowning. I asked her what was wrong, and she said that she didn’t know where Amelia was. I told her that I was sure Amelia would arrive soon.

And then she did. But guess who was with her. Raphael. Of all people, Amelia’s brother had to be him? I can barely get him to speak, and I get enough of him during class. But now he has to be Skye’s best friend’s older brother. Why? Why me?

At first, Raphael sort of just hung around his mum. I sort of felt bad for him. Obviously, so did Gabriel, because Gabriel asked him if he wanted to join us. I had some seriously mixed feelings about this. On one hand, I wanted Raphael to feel as if he was wanted, because I already knew he was getting bullied by others. But on the other hand, I couldn’t help but feel like someone else should make him feel wanted, rather than me. And I also felt bad for him, cause I knew ABCJKL would spread rumours about him afterwards, no matter what he did.

I’m not saying I approve of their behavior, I don’t, it’s awful and cruel, but if I say anything, they’d ditch me, and I’d be completely friendless. And that’s really not how I want my first few weeks at school to end up. So I just decided to stay quiet whenever they were gossiping. That way, if anyone asked, saying I wasn’t joining in, wouldn’t exactly be lying. But I also wasn’t doing anything wrong, to make them question my loyalties.

It was really awkward with Amber and Gabriel. And that’s downplaying it. They did not talk. All night. Amber talked through Brittany, which, if you ask me, is rather childish, but of course, I didn’t say anything. I could tell Gabriel thought it was childish as well, but he didn’t want to start anything, so he didn’t say anything either, and sort of just went with the flow.

Raphael eventually did come and sit with us, which sort of just made everything even more awkward. He didn’t talk, Amber only talked through Britt, Kylie and Lydia spent the entire night talking to only each other, while Jemma and Cass did not even try to hide the fact that they were blatantly flirting with Gabriel every single chance they got.

I hope the rest of my family had a good and enjoyable night, because I certainly did not. I mean, I guess it wasn’t too bad, looking back on it. But at the time, I honestly could think of a million things I would rather have been doing. At the top of the list, jumping off a cliff. And I hate heights. I am not even joking around right now.

Hopefully, ABCJKL don’t spread too many rumours about Raphael. He has it hard enough already. Maybe I can try and talk some sense into some people. And if worst comes to worst, we only have a few more weeks for the project, and then I can be done with Raphael forever. I feel sort of bad saying this, but I sort of can’t wait. Is that completely awful of me? Never mind, you can’t judge me. You’re a book for crying out loud!

Anyway, I guess I’ll tell you what’s happening next, whenever something happens next…

Write soon

Sadie E. Carlistle


A/N: Okay, you guys are all probably seriously confused, so I'll explain. I changed Sylla's name to Sadie. I decided that Sylla was too extraordinary, for what used to be, the rather un-extraordinary life. So I changed the name. And I also changed the name of the book, because I thought it was too long. And I got a new, AMAZING cover. So yeah, I think that's it. A lot has happened since I last updated this...

Thanks for reading guys!

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