Entry 3

29 1 2

Dear Reader,

So, Mum and Dad and Gabriel's Mum (GM) have become really good friends, which is AWESOME! Cause it means I get to see Gabriel more often! He says we have to start school soon for another year. I want to, I really do. It's just, wait no, I don't. 

I mean, I guess it won't be too bad. But I won't know anyone except Gabriel, Oliver, Sophie, and Skye. And none of them are in my year level. I wish I was Sophie, or even Skye. Cause at least Sophie will know Oliver (they're in the same year level), and Skye's pretty young, so she can make new friends so easily. Whereas, I won't know anyone in my year level, and I don't make friends easily. It takes a while. I didn't become good friends with Jane until we were around 10, and we met when we were 8. It took two whole years. If it take me two whole years to make friends here, I'm going to be pretty miserable. 

But I can see Gabriel at recess and lunch, so it guess it won't be too bad. Maybe. I honestly don't know how it's gonna go. I guess there's no point worrying about it, unless it actually goes badly. That would be the best thing to do, the reasonable thing to do. But then again, when have I ever been reasonable?

Write soon

Signing off

Sadie E. Carlistle


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