part 10: well nice to meet you..

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jaydus(boy from school)^^
nai'lani pov
may 12th, 2020

it had been almost 2 weeks since everything happened. tj been staying here almost every night which was fun.

*phone ringing*

"hey!!" I said smiling at my phone.

"hey girllll!! ok so me and my friend mariyah going to the beach today.. you wanna come?" khloe asked me.

"yeaa, what time?" I asked

"around 2. and bring tj!! I wanna meet him."

"I don't knowww." I said laughing.

"girl bring him!! bye. love youuu!!"

"bye babes, love you too." I said hanging up.

let me see if he wanna come.

me: um, my friend khloe said she going to the beach around 2 and I'm going, but she asked me to see if u wanted to come. u wanna go orrrr??
tj: aww, you telling yo friends about me.😏
me: no🤣 it was arie big mouth ass. u coming or not hoe?
tj: I'll come, be ready in like 30 minutes, imma come get u.
me: ok💜

let me go get ready. I showered and did my hygiene routine, then I braided my hair back into a bun and put on my bikini.

I looked cute asf so I wanted to take pictures cuz I had like 10 minutes left so I set my phone up on my tripod and took my pictures, then I put on these sheer black beach pants or whatever they called and sprayed on some perfume and posted my picture.


liked by 20,548 others@_yungblasiann I'd love to see me from your pov💕10,896 commentshoeslovetj_: delete this 😐    _yungblasiann: no❤️ come get me!!fcknkhloe: baee!!😍😍   _yungblasiann: yours

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liked by 20,548 others
@_yungblasiann I'd love to see me from your pov💕
hoeslovetj_: delete this 😐
    _yungblasiann: no❤️ come get me!!
fcknkhloe: baee!!😍😍
_yungblasiann: yours.💕🔐
hoeslovetj_: lets fight🤷🏾‍♂️
fcknkhloe: you don't want smoke.😏

- 5 minutes later -
*knock on the door*

I opened it and tj lightly choked me and started kissing me and closed the door with his foot.

he picked me up and put me in the counter and started kissing my neck and untying the strings on the bottom on my bikini. I untied the ones on the top and put it on the counter and he picked me up and left my bottoms over there too.

he sat down and the couch and put my on top of him. I started bouncing on his friend and riding it.

"fuckkk." he said looking at me. I started kissing him as I came and he nutted.

I put my head on his shoulder out of breath and went to my bathroom to clean myself up.

it was 1:56 now so I went and put my bikini back on and we left.

- at the beach -
"where y'all at?" I said on FaceTime with khloe.

"we by these people in the big ass green tent. you see it??"

"yea, we coming." I said hanging up.

"come onnn!!" I said running and laughing.

"heyy!!" I said hugging khloe.

"hey!!" she said smiling.

tj came finally, he run slow asf.

"wasgud... mariyah?!" he said as his eyes widened and we all looked at him.

"y'all know each other?" khloe asked.

"that's my baby moms." he said looking at me..

"well.. nice to meet you." I said laughing and holding my arms out to hug her. we hugged and she smiled and we all sat down and talked, but tj was quiet asf.

"let's go get in the water."

I said tapping his shoulder.

he looked at me and shook his head no, and I grabbed his phone and put it down on the chair and grabbed his hand and made him come with me.

"y'all come on!!" I yelled gesturing for them to come down here with us.

they came down and we swam in the water and we splashed each other and talked.

"tj." mariyah said and he looked at her.

"wassup?" he said.

"you getting lailyn this weekend?" she tried to whisper it but it was loud asf.

"yea." he said looking at me shaking his head.

I could tell he ain't like her, but she seemed cool asf so idk why..

"y'all wanna get ice cream?" I said.

"yess, I been craving it for so long but I'm lazy and ain't feel like getting none." khloe said making me laugh.

"yea, let's go." tj said grabbing my hand and running to the ice cream truck with me.

- at the ice cream truck -
"umm, can I get a small chocolate ice cream?" I said.

"I want mint chocolate chip." tj said.

"finally someone who sees how amazing it is, me too!!" khloe said high-fiving tj and he laughed.

"I want strawberry." mariyah said looking at her phone, then up at me.

the man handed us our ice cream.

"thank you!!" I said and everyone else thanked him.

I started eating my ice cream and started feeling sick. I ran to the trash and threw up. what the fuck.

"you ok?!" khloe and tj said running over to me.

"no, I feel like I'm finna die." I said throwing up again.

"im taking you to the hospital lani, come on." tj said holding my hand.

"we gon be behind y'all, come on." khloe said.

"bye." I said about to throw up again. I held that shit in tho, like a bad bitch.

- at the hospital -
"ok, we ran some tests and.. is it ok if I say it in front of them?"

tj, khloe, and mariyah were in the room, and honestly I didn't care if they knew what was wrong with me, I just wanted this shit fixed.

"yes.." I said hesitantly.

"ok, well you're pregnant, 2 weeks. congratulations!"
heyy!!💕 how y'all feel bout her being prego? you excited? you mad?? remember, vote and comment!!💕

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