part 14: fast forward.

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nai'lani pov
october 31st, 2020

- nai'lani house -
ok, I'm 6 months now. my business is doing GREATTT. our page just got 300k followers and me and khloe making MONEY.

me and tj still together, he been acting weird tho, idk why. I'm not worried about it tho, I got bigger shit to focus on.

"you ready to go?" khloe asked me as I put on my jacket.

my baby bump was BIG now. I couldn't really fit my old clothes like I used to, so I bought bigger ones.
I was really just wearing oversized graphic tees and some shoes everywhere, I still looked go tho.

"yea, come on servant." I said and she laughed and pushed my head slightly with her hand.

we were on the way to a meeting to buy the spot for our shop. we graduate school next week. we're finally gonna be licensed esthetician's and cosmetologists which I'm excited about.

we got in the car and started driving to the place.

- 20 minutes later -
"hi ladies." the man said shaking out hands.

"hi." we said at the same time and laughed.

we walked in, wow.. it was kinda dingy, but we was gon fix it up. he gave us the final look around so we could make sure we wanted it.

there was a small bathroom, two offices, and a big ass bedroom in this bitch. AND there was a kitchen in the break room area, so we was excited.

- 2 minutes later -
"ok, soo.. y'all want this?"

we looked at each other and nodded and he took us to one of the offices and we all sat down. he took some papers out a drawer and we signed them.

"well ladies, this is officially yours." he said handing us the keys.

we handed him the money in cash for the building. It cost $150k which was pretty good for this.

we hugged each other and started crying and he got his things and walked out.

"ok, come on let's started working!!" I said running to the car and grabbing the cleaning stuff out the backseat.

we walked in and cleaned the windows, mopped the floors, disinfected EVERYTHING, cleaned the kitchen, the bathroom, and vacuumed the carpet in the room.

- 1 hour later -
"I'm tired asf khloe." I said breathing heavy.

"me too, come on. let's put this stuff up and go get something to eat, we can come back later and paint the walls. we need to get our floors today too and send the people the address so they can install our stuff tomorrow." I nodded my head and we walked out to the car and I got in.

khloe grabbed the metal zip tie shit and put it around the door so people couldn't break in.

- 45 minutes later -
"I don't care what nobody say, checkers good asf." I said laughing and rubbing my belly.

"it was nasty." she said opening her phone.

"bitch you was just munching on the mf burger and them fries tho.. ok." I said getting and the car laughing.

let me text tj and see what he doing.

me: wyd hoe.

he left me on read.. wtf.

me: hello?? nigga do you not see me texting u. I could be going into fucking early labor rn and you not responding. hope yo fuck ass get ran tf over.

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