part 24: fair.

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nai'lani pov
november 24th, 2020
6:15 pm

- at the fair -
"where you at?" I asked kamari on the phone.

"by the ferris wheel, where u at?"

"I'm coming, bye." I said hanging up.

"come on khloe." I said holding her arm.

"waittt." she said. then I saw her waving for this boy to hurry up and come here. I know this bitch did not bring a fucking date.. it's cool tho, I got kamari.

"bitch-" I said and he hugged her.

"hey, I'm Joshua." he said smiling.

"bye!!" I said walking to the ferris wheel.

I didn't not see kamari fat ass nowhere. what the fu-

"hey." he said scaring me.

"now why would you do that shit. I could've had a heart attack." I said laughing and holding his hand.

"hey gino." I said and gino waved at me.

"where khloe?" he asked.

"she with her date. some boy named Joshua." I said and kamari started laughing.

"what's funny." I said mugging him.

"nothing, come on. let's get on that ride right there."

we walked over to this ride that had seats hanging off these big ass metal bars and it spun around in the air. I was scared asf but kamari made me get on.

we got on the ride and they strapped us in, then it started.

that shit was scary asf. I closed my eyes and prayed I ain't die on this shit. I was screaming and crying and all I heard was kamari and gino laughing at me.

- 2 minutes later -
"I hate y'all." I said sitting down on the bench.

"bro it wasn't even scary." kamari said laughing.

"yes. it. was." I said getting up.

"ok, time to go." I said smiling.

"nah, come on."

we went on more rides and I threw up like 3 times. it was fun asf tho.

- 2 hours later -
*kamari phone ringing*

"you here?" he said.

"ight, meet me by the entrance." he said hanging up.

"come on, I gotta go give him to his mom." he said.

we walked to the entrance and he said bye to gino.

"bye da da. bye lani!!" he said running over and hugging my legs.

"aww, bye gino." I said hugging him and smiling.

his mom looked at me and smiled, then picked up gino and walked away.

"ight come on." he said grabbing my hand and taking me to his car.

"where we going?" I asked.

"my place. text khloe and let her know you left." he said starting the car.

- 35 minutes later -
we pulled up to his house and walked inside.

"you hungry?" he asked handing me a water bottle.

"no.." I said opening my phone.

"ight, come on." he said grabbing my hand and guiding me upstairs. we walked in his room and I sat on the foot of the bed.

"where yo remote?" I asked looking around.

"here. you finna cut on the originals?"

"you already know I am." I said and we laughed.

we laid down and cuddled and watched tv.

- 20 minutes later -
"get the fuck up." I said shaking kamari. his fat ass fell asleep and I was bored asf now.

"fine bitch." I said getting up.

I walked to his dresser and grabbed a shirt and some boxers, then looked for a towel and a rag.

"damn." I said finally finding the towels and rags. I got in the shower and did my hygiene routine, then I grabbed an extra toothbrush from under the sink and brushed my teeth and went ahead and laid down on the bed.

"mm, hey." he said hugging me while laying down.

"oh now you wanna wake up. bye." I said turning around and looking at him.

he looked at me, then kissed me. I kissed him back and he started kissing my neck, then my stomach. he came back up and looked at me.

"what." I said wrapping my arms around his neck.

"nothing.." he said smiling.

he laid back down and we cuddled, thenI fell asleep. a couple hours later his fat ass woke me up cuz he was yelling at the stupid ass game. I'm never coming over here again.
heyy!!💕 this chapter was kinda short and boring but.. I'm finna make y'all sad/mad soon. IM SAYING SORRY IN ADVANCE!!💕
anyways, make sure y'all comment, vote, and follow me!!💕💕

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