part 31: happy mf birthdayy!!

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nai'lani pov
december 15th, 2020
4:57 am

- at khloe's house -
"stop walking so loud." I whispered to kamari. his ass was shaking the mf house every time he took a fucking step.

"I'm not trying to." he said looking around the corner.

we snuck into khloe's house to surprise her for her birthday. she was turning 22!!

"ok, stick to the plan hoe. you ready?" I asked.

"yea bae." he said smiling.

"stfu." I said as he opened her room door. we ran in and cut the lights on and started singing happy birthday.

"what the fuck..." she said smiling and wiping her eyes.

"now- its like 4 in the morning and y'all being loud and shit, waking me up. cut the light off." she said pulling the covers over her head.

"khloe, I need you to get up.."

"no, get out bitchessss." she said laughing.

"ok.. I guess I have no choice." I said picking up the water bottle and pouring it in her face.

"ahhh!!" she yelled while laughing.

"fuck. you." she said walking in the bathroom.

"ok, take a shower and brush your teeth. we got shit to do." I said smiling and grabbing kamari's hand and walking out her room.

- 30 minutes later -
khloe walked out her room all dressed and ready. she had on a cropped, white fitted top and some white pants.

"awww, bestie you look cute!!" I said taking a picture of her.

"awww, bestie you look cute!!" I said taking a picture of her

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"thanks bro." she said laughing.

"hey kamari." she said high fiving him and they did their handshake.

"wasgud, happy birthday." he said pulling her into a hug.

"thanks bro." she said laughing.

"ok, where are we going?" she said looking at me and grabbing her keys.

"put those down, and here.." I said putting a blindfold on her.

"wha- lani take this shit off me. what are u finna do." she said.

"let's go." I said grabbing her hand and guiding her outside.

I helped her in the car and me and kamari got in, then took her to her hair appointment.

- 4 hours later -
"damn, I look good." khloe said smiling and taking videos of herself on her phone.

"mm, lemme call josh." she said smiling. kamari looked at me and I shook my head. he mugged me and looked at his phone, clearly mad.

"hey baeee." she said smiling.

"hey ma, where you going? I like yo hair." he said.

"thanksss." she said smiling. "and, I don't know where we going. y'all where we going?" she asked putting her head in the front and looking at us.

"what's wrong with u fat ass? it's my birthday, cheer tf up." she said mugging kamari and pushing his head into the window.

"got damnnn, you ain't even have to do that shit." he said looking back at his phone.

"nah but seriously, why he mad?" she said hanging up the phone.

"he don't like Joshua." I said pulling up to my new house.

"why? and where we at?" she asked getting out.

"my new place.." I said smiling. "come on, I gotta show you something!!!" I said pulling her into the building.

we got in the elevator and went to the right floor and walked in.

"damn, this nice asf lani." she said walking around.

"mhm, look in there." I said pointing to a room and smiling.

she slowly walked to the room her mouth dropped when she saw it.

"LANI." she said looking at me.

"yessss?" I asked smiling and walking over to her.

"is this... my room?" she said putting her hand over her mouth and walking in.

"yes bitch." I said sitting on the bed. she jumped on me and hugged me.

"THANKS BESTIE!!!" she said laughing.

"ok, go put on one of them outfits in closet, I'm finna take your pictures." I said walking out.

kamari was in the living room on his phone.

"kamari." I said sitting next to him. he didn't respond.

"K, I'm not finna play with u. stop sitting there acting like you don't hear me."

"lani what u want." he said looking up at me.

"what's wrong. I know you don't like him cuz the shit he does or whatever but it's her fucking birthday, chill ight."

"nah, I'm good." he said getting up and walking out. I'm tired of him at this point.
heyy!!💕 yall I'm sorry I haven't updated in WEEKS. I been tryna stay on top of my schoolwork, but we go on break next week so imma be hopefully updating a lot for y'all. imma also try to put a chapter out everyday, even if it's short. 💕💕

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