𝐋𝐞𝐭'𝐬 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐲 𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞

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+𝙒𝙧𝙞𝙩𝙚𝙧'𝙨 𝙣𝙤𝙩𝙚+

Hi, luvs :] so I dunno how to actually start the story but I guess they're always gonna start with a writer's note! sorry if this one a bit off, I just took a nap and I'm still waking up- so yeah sorry about that. ALSO! when I add dates and times, you might want to pay attention to those since they will make it obvious when there was a time-skip/next day.

also, sorry for any spelling mistakes :[

[12/8/2020 5:09 am]

Tommy and Tubbo had been on the plane for an hour now, Tommy was practically half-asleep- unlike his friend tubbo who literally had more energy drinks in his bag, "hey Tommy wanna play Tetris??? I'm really good I bet I can beat you at it!!" Tubbo asked, "no-- tubbo I want sleep," Tommy said leaning his head on the planes glass window at his seat, "what????? sleep? it's only..5:10 am," tubbo said, "what?? only 5:10 am??? what do you mean! it's about to be daylight outside," Tommy said, "right that means its day time, means its time to be awake!!" tubbo said with his twisted logic, "ughhhh, he's gonna crash down soon, your gonna be okay Tommy" Tommy muttered, "HEY PLANE LADY!" Tubbo yelled at the woman with the cart of peanuts passing by them, "uh..yes?" she asked, "can I have peanuts???" tubbo asked, "sure," the woman said handing him a bag, "yay!" tubbo said eating the peanuts quickly, "how the hell do you...eat peanuts so quickly??" Tommy asked him, "Talent," tubbo said smirking "..sure-" Tommy said still unsure of how he did so.

[ 5:49 am ]

"I do I feel like shittt?" tubbo groaned leaning against Tommy, "because you had 13 cans of energy drinks literally this whole ride," Tommy said, "I know..can- I go to sleep?" tubbo asked, "Why are you asking?" Tommy asked him finally looking away from the window at tubbo who looked miserable, "well I mean like- sleeping in a chair is just uncomfy so-" tubbo was saying before Tommy interrupted, "You wanna sleep on me?" Tommy asked, tubbo stayed silent, answering Tommy's question. Tommy sighed and continued to look outside the window, where the sky was painted pinks and oranges from the sunrise, "Sure.." Tommy said soon feeling tubbo rest his head on Tommy's shoulder, "Thank you.." tubbo muttered before Tommy sighed and decided to also get some shut-eye. I mean they were about to land in like half an hour so at least something is needed.

[ 6:23 am]

Soon after Tommy and tubbo left the plane, they spent their time in an apartment that they bought with their parent's money. they were also going to leave tomorrow to find the hiking trip they booked. "No talk, only sleep," tubbo said falling face flat on to the bed of the room "I agree," Tommy said closing the blinds of the windows to dim the light that made it into the room before he laid down on the second bed, "Goodnight tubbo," Tommy said, "Goodnight..." tubbo mumbled before they both drifted off into sleep.

[12/9/2020 2:13 pm ]

Tommy woke up to the blaring sound of his alarm that he set, Tommy groaned before turning over to the side of the bed where the alarm was. Tommy turned off the alarm before he saw tubbo rummaging around in his bag, "what are you doing..?" Tommy asked still in bed, "Getting ready for the hiking thing- also good morning-" tubbo said, "oh- right," Tommy said finally sitting up in his bed and rubbing his eyes.

 after a few minutes of getting ready they finally could head out the door and get to their destination. "so..where do we go from here?" Tommy asked, "Well we need a cab to get there- so let's go get that one" tubbo said walking over to the cab. After they got in, they soon got to the hiking location. "Germany black forest..?" Tommy said reading the sign in front of them, "So, what? we're gonna get killed here or..." Tommy asked jokingly at the mysterious name "Yep," tubbo said, "wait what?-" Tommy ask caught off guard by tubbos response, "nono- I'm joking," tubbo said chuckling, "That's not funny," Tommy said, "Yes it is, c'mon!" Tubbo said running into the forest

"WAIT TUBBO--" Tommy said grabbing tubbos arm "what?" tubbo asked him, "None of that running away randomly bullcrap, I do not have the energy to deal with this" Tommy said, "Well I have some energy drinks if you wa-" tubbo was saying before being interrupted  "NO- JUST..- don't start running off again," Tommy said, "What if I do???" tubbo asked, "I'm leaving you out here," Tommy threatened after a short pause.

 "You don't even know where the cabin is, but it's literally just a few miles ahead," tubbo said shaking Tommy's hand off his arm, "C'monn," tubbo said starting to walk towards the direction of the cabin, Tommy following behind. the 2 boys walked through many bushes and trees before finally getting to the cabin, not to mention tubbo trying to adopt a frog he saw by a rushing river. Tubbo and Tommy looked at the cabin for moments before finally entering. it was surprisingly large for just a simple little place in the woods, Tubbo and Tommy walking in the cabin before being rushed with dust filling their lungs, "Ack- why is there--" Tommy was saying before he was interrupted by a cough, "so much dust in here??" Tommy asked, "well, it is quite old- in fact, there are stories of ghhh-OOOO-sssttttss here!" tubbo said dragging out the word ghost for effect, "tch- ghosts aren't real dude" Tommy said playfully pushing tubbo, like a big brother would, "hey they MIGHT be," tubbo said, "sure buddy," he said denying what tubbo said

"anyways, you think we can revamp this place at some time?" tubbo asked looking around and imagining what they can turn it in to, "Maybe...either way, lets..- let's stay here together"

{ Art by @WolfyTheWitch on Twitter }

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{ Art by @WolfyTheWitch on Twitter }

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