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Spencer walked side by side with Connie, the two watching Charlie and Guy jump around and run in circles in front of them. The two girls occasionally laughed before the thought of the day's practice crept up on them.

"On a scale from one to ten, how bad do you think practice is going to go?" Connie asked and the two boys in front of her stopped to let her and Spencer catch up to them.

"No matter how bad it goes, at least he's practicing with us for more than half an hour," Spencer answered, trying her best to be hopeful.

Guy let out a soft sigh. "He scheduled a practice for longer than half an hour. We'll see if he makes it."

"I wonder where they find these guys anyway," Spencer started, looking at the ground in front of her as the four continued to walk. "I feel like they all have to live in the same apartment complex or subdivision or something because they're all the same. Complete jerks and totally awful coaches."

"You see, that's where I disagree. I think there can't be any possible way they live near each other because if they did, they would tell each other about us and none of them would've taken the job." Guy responded. The two spent the rest of the walk to the rink theorizing about their old coaches with Connie and Charlie occasionally putting in their input.

"One, two, three, boom!" Bombay counted off as Karp skated along to the counting before hitting the ground.

"Ohhh," the team flinched as they heard and saw Karp fall to the ground before they all started imitating his fall.

"What are you laughing at cream cheese boy? Let's go!" Bombay said, looking at Goldberg.

"Partners?" Spencer asked Guy after Bombay told the team to choose a partner, seeing that Charlie and Connie had already partnered up.

"Sure," Guy answered, smiling as the two faced each other to start the drill.

"If we're going to cheat, we got to make those falls look real," Bombay said as he weaved his way between the kids trying to push each other to the ground.

"Whoa. Score one for the skirt," Bombay said in passing as he stopped to watch Spencer finally push Guy to the ground.

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