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╮peewee champs╰

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╮peewee champs╰

Spencer stood in the middle of the pond facing Bombay. The young girl had asked her coach if he could practice with her after their game against the Hornets to which the coach immediately agreed.

"You know, you're getting pretty good at this whole puck stealing thing," Bombay said as he picked up the puck they had been using, preparing to drop it between them.

"I don't know," Spencer said shyly. "I still have trouble picking it up of the fly."

"How so?" Bombay asked, wanting the girl to be specific about what she needed help with.

"Like when I know the other team is about to pass the puck. Someone will be open and I can tell they're about to get the puck passed to them but I can't ever seem to be able to steal it," Spencer explained.

"Let's practice it!" Bombay said, setting the puck on the ground and picking it up to run the drill.

An hour and a half of practicing had turned into goofing off between Bombay and Spencer. The two had resorted to races, shootouts, and games of tag before settling on seeing who could keep the puck the longest before it was stolen by the other person, the loser buying the winner's meal from Mickey's Diner.

"You're going down, Bailey," Bombay said as the two slowly circled the puck.

"Not if I beat you first, Bombay," Spencer responded as she fake lunged at the puck, Bombay reflexively moving towards it too.

Bombay quickly reached out with his stick and picked up the puck before skating towards one end of the pond. Spencer wasted no time catching up with him. Spencer stuck her hockey stick out to steal the puck. Instead of hitting the puck though, Spencer hit her coach's ankle by accident, causing Bombay to trip.

In his falling, Bombay reached out and grabbed the girl's arm in an attempt to keep himself from falling, doing nothing more than dragging her down with him. The two laid on the ice laughing at their goof-up for the next several minutes.

"Thanks for practicing with me," Spencer said as she and Bombay sat at Mickey's Diner with half-eaten meals sitting on the table in front of them.

"Of course," Bombay said as he sat his water on the table after taking a drink. "Spencer, can I ask you what happened to your mom?"

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