1. Best friends

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"WHATS UP BITCHES!" I yelled as I entered the Gallagher household. "Hey (Y N), good to see you" said Fiona with a welcoming smile. "Hi, where's Ian? We were supposed to go to work together" I said while looking around for my best friend.

"He's up stairs, still sleeping" she said. "Well, not for long" I said with a mischievous smirk. I made my way up the stairs passing by Debbie who was carrying Liam down stairs. I also saw Lip entering the bathroom.

I went into the boys room and saw Ian on his bed sleeping peacefully. Aww look at him, he looks like an angel. I went and grabbed on of Carl's pillows and stared at him for a bit more until I decided to wake him up.

"WAKE UP SLEEPY HEAD!" I screamed while hitting Ian with the pillow. He screamed in panic and fell of the bed. I started laughing uncontrollably because of the look on his face.

"Hahahaha y-you should have s-seen your face hahahaha" I said chuckling. "You're and asshole, you know that?" He said with a glare. "But you loveee me" I said smiling. "Unfortunately" he said.

"Now get up! We're late for work" I said and went down the stairs so he could change. Soon after he came down and we both started our trip to work. We got there and prepared for another boring day at the store.

"Hey, what are you doing these afternoon?" He asked me. "Mm nothing as always" I said. "Can we go and hangout at the park?" He asked. "Sure, I have nothing better to do" I said. Now, to wait for this shift to be over.

When we finished our shift, we headed for the park. "Why did you want to come here?" I asked curiously. I went and sat on one of the swings, Ian following. "Uh- I- I need to tell you something..." he said nervously. "Well what is it?" I asked. 

"Um... I-I don't know how to say this... you'll probably h-hate me..." he said timidly. There was something wrong since Ian was never like this. "Is there something wrong? Can I help you with something?" I asked worriedly.

"There's nothing wrong but... I'm afraid that if I tell you, you'll hate me and will stop being my friend...." he said with a scared voice. "Ian... whatever it is, I promise you that I will never hate you. You're my best friend, there's nothing in this world that could make me hate you" I said firmly.

"I love you okay? There's nothing the could change that" I said to him for reassurance. "Okay, here it goes" he said nervously. "I- I'm gay" he said and looked directly into my eyes hopefully. I smiled brightly towards him, happy that he decided to tell me.

"Ian, this is what you where worried about? That I would reject you as a person and stopped being your friend just cause you're gay?" I asked with a smile. He looked down ashamed. "Hey there's nothing to be ashamed off. I'm proud of you for coming out and telling me. I'm so happy for you!" I said with a bright smile.

"So you're not mad?" He asked shyly while looking into my eyes. "Of course not, you're my best friend. Nothing you do could ever make me mad, unless you steal my food, then I'll be extremely mad" I said with a fake glare at the end.

He laughed and said "I promise to never steal your food" "As you should" I said laughing. We stared at each other for a bit until I decided to bring him into a hug. "Come here. I'm so proud of you, never be afraid for who you are okay? I love you" I said to him while hugging him tightly.

"Thank you, I love you too" he said with a smile and hugged me equally as tight. "Now we can both talk about the boys we like and try to be each other's wing man/woman" I said giggling. "Yeah, I'd like that" he said while giggling too.

If he ever steals my food, I will not hesitate in slapping my best friend.

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