episode 4 pow and bash the Engagement

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As bash back home is and he make ready for pow a Engagement as hanna putely come bash room

Hanna:h i give you lucky good my son

Bash:i know mom are you okey mom 

Hanna:yes i h

Bash:mom no worried i love pow always my heart know that you know that all know that i and pow together his

Hanna:okey bash

As bash and hanna always talk

At pow pow make ready a gift for bash

Pow:oh man oh man oh man oh man

Slamm oh:oh come on pow you and bash you well Engagement and you well a leader and you both well married and boom kids and a happy family

Pow:thx slamm oh but..

Slamm oh:no worried pow i Take over

Pow:okey thx slamm oh you are my beat friends and as brother for me :)

Slamm oh:np

Pow:okey i go bye

Slamm oh:bye

As pow that home leave and go to bash bash make ready all what he make

Bash:huh i am so warm

Archer voice:i think you had jacked brother heart

Bash:with kaboom we long have i ear on Radio

Archer:no idea so bye


Bash look pow pow had a green dress and she had rose his fin

Bash:she is so cut and pretty i she love my heart

Pow:thx bash

Bash:here your Favorit food

Pow:yay and here

Bash:thx so i have a song for you


Bash sing that song with pow and pow love that

Pow:thx bash okey i have a book make use rembere

Bash look all photo


Bash:okey h pow"bash bows"pow you war the only you me happy make i love you always you give me so laugh and you gifts me love and heart i love you pow how always pow well you my leader his

Pow cry tear:yes bash yes

Pow hugs bash and the kiss

Bash:i stays always at you that know you you and i we where a happy family

Pow:me too bash

Bash:my mom had cake make

Pow:cool hey can we a plan for thr Wedding

Bash:sure pow

Pow and bash cuddle and the talk and eat and the sunset

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