episode 6 freeze tag

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Poppy:thx bash

Bash:np i help like :)  so my brother say me i have to learn at leader


Bash:yes my mom say me i can free have



Poppy:bash hat wrong

Bash:poppy what is happend

Poppy look the others haaa

Branch:poppy come run

Smidge:something had my boyfriends freeze oh i well this Typs hurt 😑

As miton moss freeze

Poppy:today is freeze day

All trolls:yeah yuhu aaa

Bash Think

Bash:what is that

Branch:had archer you nothing tell


Poppy:that well you look bash :)

Bash:is he okey

Poppy:yes come bash

Poppy and bash and branch go but the his shocked all his freeze

Poppy:aaa oh no :(

Bash look his only brother as he ice eat

Bash:okey that is crazy

Poppy:yeah run


Poppy:yes where is branch branch

The both his shocked

Both:aaaa he is freeze

Bash:that is screepy:( poppy poppy

Poppy is freeze and she smile

Bash:why had poppy smile oh man

Cooper:hello bash :)

Bash:huh the friends from my brother

Cooper:yep so the freeze is one day that is today

Bash:ah okey i li..

Cooper had bash freeze

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