Episode 3 archer need a Girfriends

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Hanna:sister i think me so that kaboom no girfriends had

Helena:yeah that is sad :(

Melody is here and she eat

Helena:Melody where is your Cosuine

Melody:kaboom is with his roomate and bash is at his girfriends

Helena:bash and pow his so sweet


Melody:i go game


Melody:hi Cousine bash

Bash:hi Melody what give news

Melody:us moms and us aunt well that kaboom a

Bash:girfriends i know i help kaboom

Melody:good i go bye


Bash go to archer

Bash:kaboom can we talk


Bash:okey mom and aunt helena make worried you no Girfriends had


Archer:oh ähm bash

Bash:zzzz i know i know i help you your love brother

Archer:ähm bash i well say

Bash:we found a nice


Bash look back archer and he war suprised

Bash:and where is is

Archer:so h she is a trolls

Bash:what you cant nothing a trolls crush his 😑

Archer:bash my mom say me she had a best friends and she name is hiss and she is a partycrashers and she is with a trolls together

Bash:huh okey but what is happend

Archer:no idea my heart say me i sorry bash i well that you angry are

Bash:it's okey kaboom :) i unsterand

Archer:aww thx brother heart

The both hugs but as Elizabeth herr is but she havw to the truth say that elizabeth no trolls is

Minty:ähm archer

Archer:hi eliza that is my brother bash bash that is minty

Bash:glad me i you meet elizabeth :)

Minty:thx archer i have to you say


Archer and minty kiss



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