Chapter 16. His love is my warmth

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Gulf wakes up feeling the lost of the warmth beside him, he turns and looks around, looking for the source of that empty cold feeling and see Mew at the balcony, the glass window opened and the air gently winging his hair and the curtains beside him. Mew looks ethereal in that view, the dim light shining on him but he frown seeing that once again Mew seems to be lost in his thoughts.

He went out of bed and went to Mew, snuggling and finding the warmth again. He shuddered a bit when the wind blows.

"It's cold, what are you doing here?", Gulf murmured as he felt Mew instantly wrap his arms on him and he rested his chin on the older's shoulder.

Mew titled and kisses his cheek, "Did I wake you up? Sorry, I should have closed the window"

Gulf pull out a bit looking at Mew in the eye, "Are you ok? You've been like this for a few days"

Mew, "I am. I'm ok. I'm sorry"

Gulf, "What are you saying sorry for?"

Mew smile at him and rub their nose together, he love how Gulf is just so uncomplicated. He knew about the worried glances that Gulf throws at him and he appreciates how the younger waits for him. Gulf didn't ask him of anything, he was just there silently staying with him.

Mew, "Would you like to hear a story?"

Gulf nodded.

"Let's head inside", Mew said lifting the younger and walking to their bed, giggling when they have to close the glass window, Gulf still in his arms. They settled back to bed, snuggled together.

"I met someone a few days ago", Mew opened. "Have Becky or anyone told you of the name Mint?"

Gulf stiffened at the name, he knew who the woman was. Mew rubbed the younger's arm, soothing when he felt the younger's reaction, he deduced that Gulf knew about his ex-fiancé, probably from Becky, from his friends, or from the people in the mansion.

"She called that day, she just got back from Paris", Mew let out a soft breath. When Mint called and asked if they can meet he didn't know how to answer her and ask her to give him a bit of time. What surprised him the most is that there was no anger in him. He was too calm. He thought of all the possible scenario in his head before. For years he longed for her to appear in front of him or just to hear her. He thought that maybe he'll get angry if she called or if they see each other? Maybe he'll throw a fit? Will that feeling of missing her come to him? Will he feel lost all of a sudden? But none of those came. He looked at Gulf peacefully sleeping in the couch that day, with a small smile on his swollen lips and his heart knew the reason why. He texted Mint and told her he'll meet her. He initially wanted to bring Gulf but decided against it. He knew he needed to do it alone.

Gulf stayed silent and Mew take that as a cue to continue. "Mint and I are childhood friends, she was Auntie Maria's relative. Auntie took her when her parents die, she was around 3. I don't have Becky yet that time and all my attention was with her, I thought I just see her as a sister until Becky came. We grew up basically together and I realized that what I felt for her is different than with Becky. I courted her and we got together on our last year of high school. Everything seems well, I started my training in the company, we dated, I study, I work. As the years go by, I started getting busy, having more responsibilities in the company but we managed, so I thought. I proposed and she accepted it, and the next thing I knew my engagement was being called off, she left, Becky left. Everything is crumbling down. Grandma's death was a push I needed to get back on my feet but my life has never been the same"

Gulf tightened his hold of Mew, sending his quiet support.

Mew, "I never understood why Mint has to do it. Why I didn't know it was happening, that I was losing her"

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