Chapter 5

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(I just parked my car and walked into mystic grill and walked to the booth in the very back and sat down. Not 5 minutes after you sat down the door of mystic grill opened and one of Klaus's brothers walked in and looked over at you and then walked to your booth and sat down)

???- hello there my brother said he had an interference with a special Ella Salvatore do you know where I could find her?

Ella- maybe, maybe not. Why what do you want with her?

???- well my names Elijah Mikaelson and I would like to have a chat with her

Ella- nope I'm not doing another chat and since he's your brother why don't you ask him how that ended.

Elijah- well he did indeed tell me all about you being more powerful then him but I'm more here on my own business Ella

Ella- I'm confused you don't want to talk to me because of your brother which means you don't want to know what I am?

Elijah- well I have a slight feeling that you know why I'm here and that you know that your a Mikaelson. Am I right Ella Marie Mikaelson?

Ella- if you know about that then you must be m.... 

(He cut you off before you could finish)

Elijah- your father? Very much so. See I am your father and I know you've got many questions as to why I gave you up I am assuming you think I have you up?

Ella- well yes why'd you give me up?

Elijah- well that's the thing I had no plan on giving you up nor did I give you up I was taken from you, see my brother put a dagger in my heart and he had no idea that I had a child see I kept that a secret so none of mine or my family's enemies would coming looking for you

Ella- well then what about my mother where was she?

Elijah- she died because of one of my enemies and I wasn't gonna let them do the same to you so I took you and hid you from everyone including my family.

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