Chapter 7

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(On our way to the Mikaelsons I had fallen asleep)

(Elijah's P.O.V)

Elijah- I promise you Ella I'm gonna make things right I'm gonna protect you be the father you need me to be to make up for lost time and to be the best father I can be for you. And I promise to love you and to watch out for you and to not let you go through anything alone

(Ella's P.O.V)

(I wake up to Elijah picking me up and carrying me inside and into a room he put me on the bed and covered me up with the blanket then kissed my forehead and told me he loved me and to sleep tight)

(The next morning I woke up to arguing of what sounds like Elijah and Klaus. So I got out of bed and heading to the area the noise was coming from)

Klaus- you didn't tell me you had a daughter?!?!? Don't you think it would have been important for me to know before I go and start to talk to her and interrogate her on what supernatural being she is when she the original tribrid!!!

Elijah- listen I was protecting her from our enemies that we have made she didn't make them and you know what happened to Sophia!! I don't want what happened to her to happen to my daughter.

(They were bother yelling at each other)

Klaus- well I want no part of it you can play catch up with your daughter but I'm not gonna waste my time on some little worthless girl who wants to join our family!

(You walk into the room and say)

Ella- I told you Elijah, he wouldn't take a part in your little plan to get us to be one big happy family and you Klaus who said I wanted to join your family who said I wanted to be related to the original family who's hated by everyone?!? I never asked for this but I also didn't ask for you to dagger my father when I was 1 and couldn't take care of myself you know I had to grow up without knowing who my real family is and you know what I wish I never found out I would be better off with out you guys!!!!!!!

( you then shattered lights and windows and vamp speed out of the house and into the woods)

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