Chapter 14

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Skylor's POV

Wordlessly, Kai and I walk up a grassy hill, his hand in mine. Ever since I shared with him that Mara was going to take away his elemental powers to kill him, the mood around us has been rightfully dampened. Things haven't gotten tenser per say, but all lightness that was there is gone.

We stopped at a hotel last night, and for the first half of the night, Kai locked himself in the bathroom. Since the walls were so thin, I could hear his muffled sobs. It was as if every sob that escaped from his lips broke his heart even more. I couldn't help but break a bit with every sob I heard. Hearing his sadness, his pure, raw pain, absolutely destroyed me.

Eventually, I walked in there. He tried to cover it up, but he knew I knew. Sitting down next to him, I let him hold onto me with all of his might, as if he let go of me, he'd slip away right then and there. He sobbed into my shoulders, his whole body shaking, murmuring,"please don't let them die."

"Welcome to the home I lived in for the first 16 years of my life," Kai says, opening his arms up. There's a traditional shop with banners hanging down. To the side of it, there is a pile of rubble and next to it, there are two slabs of cement sticking out from the ground.

"It's really pretty," I tell him, trying to comfort him in even the slightest way. "Is that the old forge?" I ask, referring to the story he told me. I point at the rubble.

"Yeah, it is," he says, still walking towards the building.

"Do you want me to wait out here while you go inside? I don't want to intrude on..."

"No, it's fine. You can come inside," he insists. I nod, holding onto his hand tighter. He leads me through the front door to a small yet welcoming room.

In the room, there are weapons literally everywhere, and even though I could easily feel threatened, I don't. If Kai was going to hurt me (since he can't kill me because of my powers), he would have done it by now. The katanas and armor on the wall do nothing to phase me.

Kai lets go of my hand and starts to walk around the room. His fingers glide across the different weapons, examining them with a small smile on his face. He walks over to a table that has two four chairs around it. On two of the chairs, there are symbols of a flame engraved on them. On the other two, there are water droplets.

Kai picks up the newspaper on the table, flipping through the pages. I watch with curiosity. He finally stops at a certain page. "Ciara is in here for stealing. Two years ago, about, my dad told me about her."

I go to protest, saying Auntie isn't a thief, but do I really know? "Your dad, is he like you?"

"Extremely, like a more mature me. We even made the same facial expressions. We were so alike, but I guess that's what dominant elemental genetics does," he explains, one of his hands resting on the back of the chair.

"You're both fire elementals?" I ask, astonished and wide eyed.

"There can only be one person with an element at a certain time. He passed his element to me the day he was reading this newspaper, actually," he looks at the paper again, a hard look on his face.

I suddenly realize what he's been alluding to. "Your dad, he's not still around, is he?"

He shakes his head,"He died that day, too. I tried to fight off his murderer, that's why he gave me his powers...but it didn't work."

"Kai I'm..."

"She already killed my mom and took my sister, what's killing the only person I had left?" he huffs, pushing away from the table. "I...I'm gonna go up to my room. I need to be alone for a bit" he walks away, and I stay focused on the newspaper sitting on the table.

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