Chapter 2

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Amity and Sumoki stared deep into each other's eyes. Amity blinked and a reflection of Sumoki's face was on his eye. Sumoki closed his eyes and opened them back up and the streak of light glided through his eye and looked at amity. His eye reflects of amity terrified face.
"Are you sure you want to do this battle?" Sumoki giggled.
"Y-yeah!" Amity, looked away a for a second to gather some of his thoughts.  'If I loose, I am going to lose, Echo. But I can't show him that I am scared.' Amity looked up and see Sumoki with his arms crossed and wiggling his tail. 'I came a bit unprepared. Shit.'
"What are we waiting for?" Sumoki cocked  his head a bit and smiled. Amity, got out of deep thoughts and  shook his head. He needs to be angy again.
"I don't see you are the right one to fight with. Guess I will have to go with, Echo." Sumoki shrugged and closed his eyes.
Amity heard Echo's name echoing. "OH HELL NO!!"
Sumoki, stopped to see amity and smiled. "That's the reaction I was waiting for!"
Amity buffed up and his feathers puffed up and makes him look bigger. He inhaled and smiled. "Time to meet your doom!"
Echo, looked at the two and gulped. Tears  filled his eyes  as the reflection of the light moves swaying a bit  'You can do It amity.'
Amity,  looked left the  right and stared at sumoki directly in the eyes. He ran towards Sumoki and hit the shield that was produced Sumoki.
"Pathetic weakling you are. Can't even do such damage."  Sumoki, raised his  right arm straight at amity and stared directly at him without a single blink. "I can sense your anger, it's not as strong as it was earlier. Now, I cam eliminate you at once."
Sumoki, closed his eyes and opened them back up with blue smoke invading the air.  His three fingers opened and a ball of blue smoke arises then a blue power ball increased in his hand. Amity is as frozen and cannot move. "Bye bye you blob of ice."
Sumoki, closed his eyes again and then brung his arm back and quickly struck causing  amity to fly across the room. Amity, opened his eyes and looked around. "Holy SHeit. I am flying. I can't believe it's tru..." hits a wall and slid  down to the floor. "Fuk me.." he shook his head and got back up very wobbly.
Sumoki landed and walk towards amity. "My, my,  you have no injuries, but wouldn't Be a shame if I.. idk maybe burn you to a chicken crisp."
"NO!" Amity slaps Sumoki face. Which it wasn't effective. Except amity can't feel his flipper.
Lark, watches intently as it got quiet.  He started to lick his hand paws out of boredom.
Echo, tries to pick lock the cage, but the bars where hot to the touch. So he yelled. "HEY! Come fight me then."
Sumoki, didn't look back. "Can't fight with the forbidden book in your hand."
Lark, smiled. "Brrrrrr brrrr" ( why not)
"If the book was to by destroyed I will be punished by the book master and that will cause my death."
"But if i destroyed the book then what happens." Echo cocked his head to the side.
Sumoki squinted his eyes and look at echo. "Don't even think about it."
Echo smiled, he  scratches  the cover. And pushing the book to the ground making is dent on the edges. "Fight me."
Sumoki, tail twitches a bit. "Don't you dare damage  the forbidden book. You are causing yourself more harm then good. Put it down immediately."
"HELL NO. You gotta work for that. Come get it yourself you lazy, Kat."
Sumoki teleports to echo and grabbed him by the neck. "You think this is funny. You think that crushing a book is going to help your case? It has gotten you no where. Now has it."
Echo, smacked Sumoki on the face with his razor sharp tail. Causing blood to drip down Sumoki face.
"Ridiculous action." Sumoki threw echo to the floor and turned him into stone. "Thanks for the book." He smiled as he teleports out.
Amity and lark ran toward Echo stoned body.
"Brrr." (Echo) Lark sat there in tears. His tail drag touch the floor.
"No... what have I done." Amity looked at echos body and looked at his flippers. He grasp them tight. He got up and looked up. "We gotta find, Sumoki and fight him."
Lark, tilted his head a bit and got up. "Brrrr brrrr brrrr" (why not find the book master.)
Amity, looked at lark and nodded. "Good idea."
Lark, wagged his tail out of excitement. "Brrr brrrrr brrrr" (first we need to unstone, Echo.)
Then there was foot steps walking towards them. It was getting louder and it stopped.
Lark's ears twitch and gapped his mouth open. Amity turned around. "Holy... is that a woman?!"
A bunny, with her ears down smiled. "Yes I am a female. Looks like you two need help."
"What's your name?" Amity, tried not to drool.
"Oh yeah, you want an introduction. Well my name is Diablo. A spicy bunny. What's your name?" Diablo put her sword down.
"My name is Amity, and I am doguin. This is Lark a rencean, and the one that turned into stone is Echo, the lizaroo."
"Nice to meet you. Seems you got a problem with the pink scientist, aye?" Diablo, spit out a piece of carrot.
"Brrrrr?" (How did you know?) lark jerked really quick.
"I been fighting this evil scientist with that book. He's been a pain I the tail for years. We need to stop him." Diablo, sighed. "We need to find the book master, he will tell us what the book holds."
"What about, Echo. He turned into stone?" Amity looked at Echo's stoned body.
"Oh that's simple. The ones that love are the one that can revive." Diablo smiled and opened her eyes to see the confused face on the two. She frowned "simply cry."
Amity, had to think about it. "I can't.."
"DO IT STOOPID." Diablo yelled.
Amity begin to cry. Tears became a waterfall. "WAAAAAAAA"
"Oh... I am.. sorry." Diablo, felt bad.
"Brrrr!" (Look!) lark jumped a back.
"It's working!" Diablo smiled.
Echo, blew up... and was back as a living roo.
"Oh what happen. The book! Oh no Sumoki took it. We need to find the book master!" Echo looked around and got up to see a bunny. "Oh sorry, I should introduce myself. My name is Echo!"
"Nice to meet you! Seems like you gotten close with the scientist, huh?"
"Yeah, I got some of his blood on my spikes." Echo was disgusted.
"Ooh perfect. We need that to track his location." Diablo, walked towards Echo with a compass and took the fresh blood sample. "This will track his location. We just follow the red pin."
"Huh, I didn't know that exists?" Echo scratch the back of his head.
"Brrrr!" (Let's go!)
All four traveled out of the cave and into the wilderness. "Does anyone have good stamina?" Diablo, yelled.
"Me and Lark." Echo said.
"Okay, amity ride on larks back. Since he walks on all fours." Diablo smiled.
"Oh no... no, no, no! He's way to fast! He goes hyper speed!" amity yelled.
"We all do!" Echo smiled.
Amity looked at everyone and said "fuk me!" And rode on top of lark.
Diablo, echo and lark got ready. "Ready.. hyper speed activate.
Brrrrrr!! Lark went first echo was behind him and Diablo was behind echo. Lark ran faster and faster.
Amity can see everything around him begin to blue and a blue bubble begin to form. Amity look back and echo has a orange bubble and Diablo was blue and pink. Amity squinted and the light begin to shine. They begin to fly and Hyper mode activated. They where flying at sonic speed. "FUK ME!" Amity was trippling.
"Amity close your eyes." Echo yelled.
Then a sonic boom was made a green light made them teleport to Sumoki layer.
Everyone was smoking from the hyper speed.
"We have arrived." Echo smiled.
Lark, felt amity shaking. Amity got off of lark and fell to his side. "That's fuked up. How come I can't hyper speed."
"Amity, you will learn one of these days." Echo laughed. "I haven't hyper jumped in so long."
They enter they see Sumoki with the book in his hand. Next to a throne.
"You!" Diablo yelled.
"Oh it's you four. How did you get into my layer? How where you able to navigate.. oh, a blood tracking device I see. How did you unstone echo" Sumoki, smiled. "Trying to find me I see."
"We are trying to find the book master!" Amity yelled.
"You shall not bypass me to get to my book master!" Sumoki, raised his arm. "You must defeat me first."
Diablo, nodded at the three. "Me and echo will fight him. Lark and amity find the book master."
"Okay!" Amity nodded.
Diablo, held her sword towards her and angle it to see a reflection of Sumoki face, blue around his eyes.
Lark went one side and amity ran to the other side. Echo's tail spike largend and swayed in front of him.
"Pathetic, fools you are. Think your plans are going well?" Sumoki, looked at the two and close his eyes. 'Though lark and amity are running at different sides and that bunny and roo are trying to fight me. I must create a barrier to prevent the two from running any further. But that could a high possibility that they would see me distracted and use that as their advantage. Well, not this time.' He opened his eyes back up and made a barrier and used a electric ball at Diablo sword, where she has no use of it.
Diablo, dropped her sword and her ears dropped. She growled a bit. Lark stood in front of her and closed his eyes. Rings of blue moved towards his eyes and it got faster and faster, his body begin to glow blue and electricity begin to spark out he opened his eyes and opens his mouth. A ball of electricity increases. He shot it at Sumoki and hit him directly in the face. The sparks flow around and stays.
"Impossible. No one should ever master this rule." Sumoki couldn't move, he giggled. He sways his hand in a circle and the electrical sparks begin to go float into a big halo around Sumoki. "Though your power maybe strong, just you know I am stronger."
Echo, ran from the back and hyper jumped to the back of Sumoki. Echo, kangaroo kicked him at full blast. Echo suddenly froze. A sheild around Sumoki activated. He looks back and smiled. "Think you are definite on that move? Well, certainly you're wrong."
Echo, smiled. "You're wrong in fact!"
"Why would you say that?" Sumoki, tilted his head down.
Amity, use freeze time to freeze everything around him. He walked up some ice stairs and looked at Sumoki. Sumoki, looked at amity and unfreeze himself. He shocked the ice but did nothing. "Ice should have conducted." Sumoki looked at the ice stairs all the way to the bottom. It was on ground. "Of course."
Everything unfroze and everyone was moving again.
Then suddenly there was a voice...
Everyone stopped to look and Sumoki eyes widen..

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