Chapter One

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In a spaceship deep in space, something hits the spaceship with a tremendous force.

A pilot rushes toward the telephone

"Mayday mayday, we've be hit by a strange force, we need assis...."

The wire snaps with spikes of electricity; breathes heavily as fear grips him. The silence that followed through made it more difficult to process things, he gets startled as he hears several gunshots behind the locked door. He reaches out for a gun as he headed toward the door slowly... The shootings and screams from behind the door suddenly stops; he reaches the door as it releases a white gas, the door opens.. Thee gory sight sends chills down his spine as he rests on the wall traumatized.

"Help me! "

A voice spoke from the hidden dark corners.

His heart raced even faster. He raises his gun shakily as he aims it toward the direction of the sound.

" Help me!! " It came again, as an infected grips his hands trying to pull him toward the dark area. The voice becomes louder and more frightening as he pulls the trigger. The struggle stops as the infected drops dead.

He hurriedly reaches out for some pills in his pocket as his attacks begins to kick in.

A shadow slowly passes him.

He stops, dropping the pills, he hurriedly reaches out for the gun dropped earlier as he couldn't make a solid grip on it with his sweaty hands.

The footstep heading towards him becomes louder as the walls of the ship trembles.

"Who's there"

"Show your goddamn face you coward!" He freaks out as the footsteps suddenly stops.

Immediately a fierce force pushes him towards the wall that made him lands in pains.

The darkness grew nigh as the silence grew more intense.

" Do not be afriad dear one... For your sufferings are yet to come. "

The pilot crawls but encounters an infected snarling toward him, he hastily crawled back..

"A thousand years of pain and suffering led me to this day, a day the gods brought to me due to their reckless war on the day of the phoenix, which created a power source so powerful that it could shape the world, and you", pulls him up the wall from the dark with glowing dreadful eyes.

" Have something of mine "

The pilot struggles to breath...

"I have no idea what your talking about
.. Just let me go". He gasps for air.

"You lieee!!",

The beast shouted in rage, it throws him to the ground violently, steps out from the shadows.

The Pilot bleeds from the nose, trying to reach out for a weapon but to no avail, he  slowly looks up and hurriedly moves back due to the horrible sight of a hideous beast...

"Looks like we didn't hit the intro part", he said with drops of blood dripping off from his hands as he walked closer to him... "Cos frankly you don't know who I am... I am...".

Immediately a wounded soldier on the ship opens fire with screams at the being.

"Die!! You demon!!

The beast looks at him in rage, he quickly jumps at the soldier and rips his flesh with his claws, bit by bit until there was nothing left of him..

"Oh my god!!" The pilot screams out in a traumatized state as he crawls back rapidly...

"Someone get me outta here!" he shouts as he tries running but a force pushes him back...

The beast grabs him by the neck and pins him to the wall causing blood gush out from his mouth and nose.

"Where the hell is the power source, before I rip your head from your neck"...

"Over my dead body will I tell you where the power source is" he said finding it difficult to speak.

"Your just like the rest of em, filthy greedy beast, you will never get what you seek, not you or any other craving being that lurks around.

The beast snarls even louder as it's nails pierces his neck.

"Choose your next words wisely ". it said

With dying breaths, the pilot gently brings out a shotgun from its holder and points it towards a box with ancient carvings on it, and looks at the beast.

"You will never be a god... There is and will always be one god, and that's the mighty Armageddon, king amongst us all.", He said as he triggers the gun.

"And for the record, we both die"...

The beast looks terrified, as he rushes over the box, with the bullet moving so fast toward the box.


He screams as the bullet hits the box that led to a tremendous outburst of force causing the power source to travel down space... It speeds towards earth and lands in a tiny village named Valerie, spreading it's power across to the people in it.

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