Chapter Four

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At a secret territory hidden on the top of an icy mountain 50 feet tall enters a helicopter, a man highlights and adjusts his coat... Dwayne walks pass through the entrance and tries opening a sealed door with rental scan; the door opens... He enters a room full of scientist focused on the systems with some peeping down through a glass window...

" How's the project coming up.. He said, pulling off his coat and  walking down towards the glass window,

 "No vital signs yet, still in a coma", one of the scientist said seriously checking the monitor...

"But the readings are so weird, never seen such like this before, its as tho she's made up of composite compounds fused into her system".

Dwayne walks closer towards the window.

"Let's find out."

The scientist looks at him in a scared state and nods; he presses a button that causes the collar on Lia's neck to send an electric impulse at her.

She slowly opens her eyes and shuts them back due to the amount of bright light; she groans as she slowly stands up.

" what the hell? ".

She looks around and observes the white foams surrounding her, she looks down and steps back a little due to the floor made of foams... She looks up and sees a big glass window

She becomes frustrated and tries breaking the wall with an enormous force from her hands but it bounces back and hits her hard to the opposite end of the wall.

" Don't waste your time cos you will only end up hurting yourself... Sorry we had to start off like this but it was the only option, due to you abusive efforts on killing us all at the instant. " Dwayne says.

" Can you shut your shithole, and tell me  where the hell I am." She lashed out in annoyance.

 " The place you stand is specially designed for your making, the foams around you absorbs the frequency that emits from your body and sends them back twice harder... Try using your powers much, you end up killing yourself."

" what?!" She exclaims in confusion

" Now I get the fact your all scared and cramped up but the truth is that you stand in the gap of producing a world without illness, a world where people could be anything they want to be. "

She tries talking.

" ah ah ah, don't... I have everything I need to make you bend to my will, try resisting you only get yourself in so much pain."

She walks closer to the glass.

" Your words means nothing asshole...  How bout you go fuck yourself. " She said in disgust.

He smiles.

" Sassy, I likeey".

He turns towards the scientist.

" Head on to the next phase, will you?."

He nods and taps a button;

" Initiating  kill-mode", a female computerised voice read out.

Immediately the bright lights in the room becomes deam, the foam walls opens, a robot with a samurai sword walks in.

She becomes scared for a sec and steps back slowly.

" What the hell is going on... Heyyyyy! " She screams out.

" The sensors are ready ",
" Proceed",

Immediately, the robot's eyes turns red and rushes towards Lia, she ducks and emits a force from her hands that smashes the robot to the foam wall... It's body reconfigures and turns back at her, it runs and slides towards her kicking her legs that makes her hit the floor forcefully.

" You've gat to be kidding me", she groans  with a bleeding nose and bruised mouth.

It stands up and throws a pair of blades at her, she dodges all the incoming blades but a piece slices her cheeks.

She stops and felt her cheeks with her hand, sees the stain of blood on her hand.

She becomes furious that the collar on her neck begins to fluctuate. Her eyes turns yellow with an outburst of scream causing vibrational disturbance allover the place.

The scientist removes his glasses due to the readings he sees on the screen.

" Impossible... " He said dumbfounded.

" What  do you see? " He asked looking curious.

The Scientist becomes frightened.

" What we are dealing with is beyond us sir... Her genetic makeup is bath with a complex compound, causing her neurons activities within molecular levels stronger than anything I've seen, I would call her a super human because beings like that don't exist, we can't be dealing with beings like that and the hell with all this experiment, this is against my culture, I wouldn't be part of this ". He fearfully gets up and tried walking out now in a heist but Dwayne brings out a dagger up his sleeves and slices his throat.

He cleans the dagger on his clothes.

" No one tells me what to do ". 

Drops the body and turns to the rest of them.

" Is there anyone that would love to share with the same fate, mm?. "

They all looked terrified.

" I guess not, now can someone in here give me the details I asked for. "

Lia focuses her force at the robot that increases the vibrational force on its body that led to its explosion... She looks at the glass and jumps towards it giving it such a blow that creates a huge crack on it...

The scientists pushes back in a heist.

She looks at them with such glance and rage.

" Your all gonna pay ."

The whole building began vibrating more violently causing outburst of lightbulbs and their devices, she tries jumping on the glass again but Dwayne pushes a button that got her magneted to the wall.

 " No!!!!! ". She shouted in anger groaning in pain.

" I warned you miss... You have something of want and I must have it!." He poured out and turns towards the rest of the workers.

" Deploy the bot mechanism now!."

As he tries to leave, he hears gunshots from the background along with screams...

The door bursts open by a body being thrown at it, it lands on the glass forcefully...

A man stands in the hallway with a black hood with red eyes... He sees Lia from afar and creates a red portal underneath him that sucks him inside...

Dwayne runs towards a device and taps it.

" Lockdown the area and get me its head now!!!!! ", He shouted.

The being falls underneath a building where numerous projects are kept, and beings kept inside incubators...

Securities run towards his directions, they all surround him.

" Get your ass to the ground now! " One of them shouted.

The being looks at them in a weird way before punching the ground unleashing a great reddish force that throws them up away... He stands up and sees a robot 15 feet tall... He runs and jumps towards it...

More securities runs and sights him from up.

" Shoot him down now! "

They all opened fire but a forcefield prevents the bullet from getting in, he looks at the robot in its eyes causing its eyes turn red too.

The being turns towards them.

" You all shall be a testimony to the reckoning that's about to unfold, a war far more worst that anyone could comprhend would be unleased on your world... The rise of a new empire is upon us all. " It suddenly vanishes into a portal it created along with the robot.

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