Chapter Five

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In a dark realm with nothing but smokes and red flames emitting from the earth; numerous shadows kept zooming pass me in seconds.

" Kai!!!!", A voice called out.

...I stood transfixed hearing numerous voices calling out for me... The sight startled me, I wished to run but i couldn't, I've never felt this scared before, everything was all happening at once, all coming from a source... I began hearing large footsteps heading towards me, my heartbeat increased, sweat running through me like a running tap, my adrenaline kicked off as I couldn't stand such horrifying moment anymore, I pushed myself soo hard that I stumbled on the floor, I horridly crawled behind a huge rock... The footsteps increased and stopped for a while, I breathed in deeply and made a move to peep out)

" Gotcha...". It drags me out by the hair.

I screamed so loudly in deep fear that I could feel my body being torn apart with the torns of rock tearing through my flesh... I couldn't stand such pain, my eyes turns orange in an instant.

" Let go of me!!!!", A huge force emits from my body that pushes the beast to the ground; I fell with my eyes changing back to normal... I ran so fast towards an endless destination, I was trapped, stucked in an endless zone with no way out...

" Help!!!!..." I screamed but none could hear me.

"You can run but cannot hide, the time for you to realise who you truly are is come..." It's voice becomes so deep in rage.

It speeds towards me and hits me so hard to the ground.

" Look around you?!, The world you live in is just an illusion, you relax and sit back watching the people you love die, your father would be very disappointed...!".

" Enough!" I cried out covering my ears as his words pierced my heart.

," You are weak Kai!, Your people perish everyday because of your lack of control... You are not worthy!!..." It lashed out and rushes towards me, grabs me by the throat, squeezing the life out from me, I stared into its eyes and saw nothing but rage and darkness.

" You die!! Like the rest of your kind." It said with its eyes becoming so red as though a beam of death ray's gonna fry my head out.

Immediately, the tattoos drawn on my body became flooding with the orange light substance... The whole school began shaking violently as my body releases a tremendous force that causes the light bulbs to shatter. I couldn't feel myself anymore, as though something powerful has taken control over me. I was part of something greater.

The orange stuff begins to crawl toward my eye.

" You know nothing about me Beast... Your just an asshole like the rest of em... And I fucking hate y'all", I said with so much anger within me that led to an outburst of force from within that pushes everything within me including the beast. Smoke covers the whole place.

My eyes becomes orange within the smoke.

" This is my world, and you won't tell me shit on how to handle it, now get the hell of my mind!!" I screamed creating vibrational disturbance all over the realm.

" Get out!!!!!!!!" The outburst released from my body smashes him into a the wall evaporating his body.

In reality, I began floating from my bed towards the roof top with circles of orange ancient markings drawn around me... Ancient voices began reoccuring in same pattern around me.

"From darkness, you are reborn", they said in unison

The pressure within me began building up... The walls of the school began cracking due to the vibrational disturbance raising an alarm that causes Nathans with some securities rush toward my room, they tried entering but a force smashes them into the wall...

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