mikey: ur so gay and you don't even like boys
lukey: well
lukey: that's not true
mikey: I just needed someone to say that to
lukey: why did you choose me
mikey: I have no friends :(lukey: awe :-(
lukey: what about your friend Calum?
mikey: ohhhh yeahhh
mikey: forgot about him
lukey: how do you forget about your friends
mikey: ...
lukey: I waiting at the drive thru to get my McDonald's
lukey: and I have to wait here
lukey: they takin a long periolilacally time
mikey: this is why your not in advanced english
lukey: you're*
lukey: and neither are you
mikey: shut up asshole
╰okay so I'm going to start updating on weekends only╯