A Long Day (cute fluff)

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Its been a long training camp with all of the teams fighting for a win. Finally its the last day. Kenma is tired and hungry and wants the day to be over.

Finally after what seemed like months the training camp is over and everyone is set to leave the next morning.

Kenma decided to hang out with Hinata for a little while before going to bed since it was going to be a while before they got to see each other again. As much as Kenma hated social interaction he always wanted to talk when he was with Hinata.

He found it cute when Hinata cheered him on in his game even if it was just killing a small enemy. He also really loved the look he got on his face when Kenma beat a boss.

He always loves to be around Hinata and hated that they lived so far away from each other. If he could he would just have Hinata live with him in Tokyo but Hinata has a life in Miyagi.

"KOZUME!!!!" Hinata yelled when he seen him in his room. Soon tackling him after. "What are you doing in here its lights out in like thirty minutes"

"I figured I'd hang out until then"

"Oh!! Are you gonna play games!! I wanna watch!"

"How about you play."

"Me??!" I could NEVER play like you!! You're a legend when it comes to games!"

"Okay fine." Kenma blushed and looked away not wanting to show Hinata his red face.

"Im also really tired! I tried REAAALLLY hard to beat you guys today. You guys are seriously tough!! I cant wait till the day we win against you"

"Thanks Shoyo" Kenma smiled at him admiring Hinatas motivated face. He always found it attractive when he got super happy and motivated talking about a stronger opponent.

"You seemed to be trying super hard too! Did we challenge you?!"

"Nope" Hinatas face dropped when Kenma said this.


"Hush down Shoyo.."

Hinata smirked when Kenma said this.

"What?" Kenma questioned. Then Hinata tackled him. The two boys fought for dominance however the eventual winner was Hinata thanks to his super athletic ability.

"Why did you tackle me"

"Why wouldn't I?? You just lied to me!!! Saying we didn't challenge you! You were sweating we had to had challenged you!!! Come on even a little!??!"

"Not really"



Hinata scrambled off of him. "He said that we weren't a challenge so I wanted to make him admit that we were"

"I am so sorry Kenma. His behavior is uncalled for. As for you..." he looked at Hinata "Ill deal with you when we get home."

"I dont care really... I was having fun."

"Alright... well don't feel scared to scream for me if he gets out of control"

"...okay" Daichi walked out of the room.

"Im sorry Kozu"

"I was just teasing you by the way."


"Stop yelling"

"Answer the question!!"

"Yeah but only a little."


"Oh lights out was like fifteen minutes ago!!! That must be why Daichi walked in!!"

"Oh thats alright ill just stay here for the night."

"Really??! That would be so cool I could watch you play video games like all night!!"

"You would get bored so fast."

"Challenge accepted!"


Kenma started playing his game. Hinata gave alot of motivating words and alot of wows and that was so cool!! Kinda things. Soon enough the words of awe started to get further and further apart signaling that the boy was getting tired. Eventually they completely stopped and were replaced with small snores. Kenma thought this was absolutely adorable

"Well you lasted an hour Shoyo. I'm proud." Kenma whispered to the sleeping Hinata.

Kenma decided it was time for him to go to bed aswell since he didn't want to wake up Hinata. He turned off his switch and put it away. Soon he closed his eyes and started to get comfortable.

Just as he got situated he felt Hinata shift around a little. Kenma opened his eyes to Hinata facing towards him.

'He's so cute when he's sleeping' Kenma thought to himself. He then closed his eyes and was getting ready to drift when Hinata stirred again only this time he sat up a little.

Kenma opened his eyes and looked up at Hinata. Hinata took in his surrounding then looked down at Kenma.

"Are you okay Shoyo?"

"Yeah I'm fine im just a little cold is all do you know if the window is open?"

"I'm pretty sure we closed it earlier tonight."

"Oh alright thats okay. I'm sure ill warm up. I'm really sorry if I woke you up" Hinata laid back down.

About five minutes later Kenma felt Hinata start shivering. He opened his eyes again. "Shoyo"

"Whats up Kozu?"

"Come here youre freezing"

"What do you mean?" Hinata turned around. Kenma took this chance to feel Hinatas cheek.

"You're cold as ice. Come here ill keep you warm."

Hinata moved closer to Kenma which allowed him to grab Kenma to grab him into an embrace in order to keep the boy warm.

"Do you feel better Shoyo? If not you'll warm up soon"

"I do thank you Kozume. You really don't have to do this."

"I dont mind Shoyo its bi big deal really."

"Thank you."

Kenma and Hinata laid there for a few minutes and soon enough Kenma heard his soft snores again.

'How adorable' Kenma thought. He then kissed Hinata on the forehead and finally drifted off into a peaceful sleep himself.

[A/N IT IS STILL SATURDAY IM NOT LATE I SWEAR ITS ONLY 11:45. Anyways I hope you enjoyed this cute one.:) I'm still taking recommendations for any ship :) Goodnight!]

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