Chapter 4

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"You need to leave, Mr. Novak. I have to talk to you personally" the warden said pointing at the door. Castiel got up, looking at Dean and walked out. Dean sat tight, looking around the room. It was too ordinary; a wooden table, metal cupboards, painted walls. Mr. Milligan walked around Dean's chair, sliding his hand on the edge of it. He was creepy, for sure.

"Dean," He said as he climbed up the other chair where Castiel was sitting and sat on its arm. "Why would you do this after all this time of good behavior?"

Dean sighed. The idiocy had not changed. "I did not do it for that."

The warden cackled. "What, you're in love?" Dean looked at him, frowning and shook his head. "No," he answered boldly.

"Look Dean, I'm gonna be honest with you." he said as he got up again. Creepy, Dean thought again. "You're gonna die soon, no point in denying it. But you were messing around with a guard, and he's not an ordinary guard."

Dean turned around and looked at him curiously. He looked evil, as if he had exactly got what he wanted. "You never asked yourself who he is or why he has such a weird past? His whole family were shit heads and then a prison guard comes out of it! Isn't that weird?"

Dean was confused. What was he trying to say?

"He was a criminal! Just like your stupid ass! Well, not as bad as you. You're a psycho killing machine." He continued nodding. He stood behind Dean's chair, bending down and putting his hand on dean's sides. Dean felt like the young warden was trying to control him.

"What had he done?" Dean whispered.

"Now you're getting the point! He killed a guy back in his teenage years, he was pardoned obviously and he decided to become this."

Dean got up. As far as he knew, this could just be a huge trick but still he couldn't understand why he should be tricking him. Again, it wasn't like he had anything to lose!

"Why?" Dean asked slowly. He was more confused than ever. There was really no point. Mr. Milligan walked to him, leaning against his table, a smirk all over his face.

"His job is fragile, and as I said, his family are a bunch of shit heads and believe me a murderer doesn't have money. He has a well paid job at the moment and what you did can get him fired! What I'm offering is for you to save his job," A dirty smirk covered his face. "Somehow" he continued.

Dean felt something fishy about him. This was weird and not right of course. The warden moved his body closer, putting his hand on the back of Dean's leg, moving is smoothly.

Dean felt disgusted. This was sick. He knew he had fucked Castiel's job up and he had to do something but this was just sick. Adam Milligan was a goddamn psycho.

He drew back as the warden smirked at him, unzipping his pants. This was torment; pure torturing.

Castiel paced, trying to understand what was going on but the secretary was checking him out every ten seconds. He hated nosy people.

A guard was standing by the door, looking straight. Castiel chuckled. Mr. Milligan probably didn’t trust him anymore to control and guard Dean.

“Do you want anything to eat Wilson?” The secretary asked the guard. Castiel turned and looked him as he shook his head. This was his chance. He stepped towards the door, sharpening his ears so that he might hear something. But nothing.

“Do us a favor and back off, will you?” the guard said. His British accent was deafening. Castiel grinned emotionlessly and stepped back, starting to pace again.

It only took a while when a shout came from the inside, asking for the guard. Castiel gazed at the door, waiting for it to open until Dean walked out; no sign of Mr. Milligan.

The guard held Dean’s hands, cuffing them to each other.

“What happened?” Castiel asked as the guard pushed Dean towards the door.

“Let’s just say I had to go down on somebody.” Dean said forcing a smile. Castiel looked at him with soulful eyes as he turned around and walked away. “No,” he whispered to himself sadly.

Castiel sighed sadly, slowly walking inside. The warden was sitting on his chair, grinning. Drops of sweat could be seen on his forehead. Castiel felt something blocking his throat. Don’t puke now please, He thought.

“Mr. Novak! So good of you to be here, although,” He smirked “You won’t probably be as enjoyable as your partner-in-crime.”

Castiel glared at him, keeping his face straight. “Can we please be serious?” he asked impatiently.

“Of course, serious is my thing.” He answered leaning in. “I see why you like the boy,”

“You really don’t,” Castiel whispered.

“Mr. Novak, it took years for you to be pardoned and as I told the big guys at the main office, you should’ve started at a less paid job. It was too ambitious! Singer had been here since my father and yet, he doesn’t get paid as you.” He sighed, breathing slowly. “I can either report you for sexual abuse and get you in the cells or just move your department. I’m sure Mr. Singer would like to get your job!”

Castiel could hardly breathe; he didn’t know which was worse. It was like a goddamn story in which he can sacrifice his years to stay near Dean or he could sacrifice ever seeing Dean again and keep his job and life.

“What is the job?” He said biting his lip. He knew he was going to regret choosing his mind over his heart.

Mr. Milligan smirked, shaking his head. “The E Block, as the main executioner.”

A shiver ran through Castiel’s body. E Block was known for the scariest block; it really wasn’t that scary but E was for Execution anyway. They usually took the prisoners to E Block a month before their due and then make the executioner shoot them in the head.

It used to be the chair but the law had changed; it does every year.

Castiel wanted to cry. Pathetic, he thought. “I’ll take the job.” It was fucked up anyway so no harm done.

He got out of the room with a paper in his hand and his badge changed. He walked to the nosy secretary to do the rest of the work. As he walked out to go to the E Block, he finally figured why Mr. Milligan had decided to do that. He knew he had to do it, with Dean.

Dean walked in, walking straightly to the sink and washing his mouth. Disgusting.

He sat on his bed as the guard locked the door, waiting for Castiel to come back. He didn’t know what to do, he just wanted to say something; probably an apology, not sure why.

The main door opened with a loud bag, footsteps approaching. Dean stood up fast, listening at the footsteps as they walked through the hall, then came the screech of the chair and the footsteps were gone.

Unbelievable, Dean thought. He expected a talk or something, but none. “Hey guard,” Dean shouted through the door. The hatch on the door opened, a face appearing behind it.

“What is it kid?” the face said impatiently. Dean couldn’t believe what he was seeing. “No,” he whispered. “Where is Castiel?”

“Boss for you kid,” Singer said “They moved his department.”

Dean shook his head in pain “Where to?” He asked

“E Block, Good job though.” The guard answered. Compared to other guards, he was a good one.

Dean, having no idea of what the guard meant, raised his eyebrow in curiosity. “Execution boy, where you’re headed.” Dean walked back, somehow scared and somehow angry. “Don’t worry; you’ll see him again soon.” The guard explained with a smirk on his face as he closed the hatch and left Dean alone with his pain and fear.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2015 ⏰

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